Being on Assignment – Joyfully

I drive into Kroger’s Food Store parking lot, eyeing the aisles for a parking space. As a prayer team member, I’m in a hurry to get to our Praise and Healing Night at my church. I signed up to have the pre-meeting meal ready for the team. No time to waste! Aw! I see a space and as I turn in, lo and behold, I see broken glass, a windowless car, and lots of stuff all over the ground in the spot next to mine. I don’t have the time to deal with this. But, as I make my way to get a grocery cart, a little voice says “Donna, be Me!” Thank you for the reminder, God! I head to customer service and wait for the store manager. We go to the car, take photos and we see a State Trooper entering the store. We tell him about the break-in and he calls the police. Then, I hasten to get the items on my grocery list.

I pay my bill and head to my car. The State Trooper’s car is parked behind mine, the police officer is there, and I see a distraught woman (the owner of the car) and her two teenage sons. I can tell the angst she feels as the police officer is asking her all kinds of questions. The State Trooper kindly moves his car so I can get on about my “God” business.

God had other plans; He tugged. Listening, I reluctantly shushed my inner voice of rushing (now I was way behind schedule) to hear God’s inner voice of selflessness. “She’s distressed, Donna. She needs peace and comfort.” Clarity struck. Rather than seeing this whole debacle as a deterrent from my schedule and my plans, I can choose to be the compassionate one. Rather than seeing things from my limited view, I can see from God’s caring view. Rather than keeping my pace, I can offer her, through Christ, access to a better place. I breathe deep. I am about to do something, I really don’t want to do. “Now God? Bad timing, God.” But, with Christ, you suddenly do what you thought you couldn’t. It’s a typical thing in a Christian’s life. I signaled for her to step away from the officer and I asked her if I could pray for her (a not-pray-for-you-later-prayer, but a now- prayer). Without hesitation, she said “Yes!”
God never leads wrong. I prayed for her wisdom and peace right then and there, in the parking lot of Kroger’s Food Store, with people gawking. She expressed gratitude. I made it to church in plenty of time to set up the meal for our team.
I’m done holding back God’s unlimited power because of my limited mind. I am pulling the leash off my being bold. I’m going to be eyes-wide-open to God’s nudges. I just may be the answer to someone’s prayer today. I’m going to rush to God, full-throttle, with being His daughter-on-assignment, and who is willing to offer the biggest, boldest prayers for others that I can. What’s the worst-case scenario? Embarrassed? Feeling awkward? What’s the best case scenario? Someone’s life is changed forever. They see the actual power of Jesus. They are left never the same for it. Care to join me? What we don’t believe by faith, we won’t see by faith. What we cannot imagine and cannot fathom, won’t happen. What we don’t give a chance, remains unchanged. Yet, what we believe in, God works in. “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Matthew 21:22)