Brand New Day — Brand New Month
Happy September to my dear friends and family!! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come, but this day and this new month, we have the opportunity to practice recognizing God’s blessings in EVERYTHING!
It’s a big deal to wake up to a new day, because yesterday was the very last day on this earth for many. Doesn’t that make us want to take in all this day holds? We never know — it could be our last day!! Oh the potential and possibilities that await us! So why not posture ourselves with a “can-do-anything, all-is-well” mindset?
At the beginning of each day, if we’re intentional, we can avoid the bickering and sensational soundbites. We can be on purpose in avoiding the yuck of this world so that we are clear-headed and clear-hearted with great expectations!
We are still here, and God has a reason for it! Life is a matter of perspective. No blessing is too small or unimportant. And even if this day comes with some unwelcome surprises, we remember God has a master plan in place with all kinds of blessings tucked in-between those surprises.
Take heart, my friends. It’s a brand-new day and we can lift our hearts in thanksgiving for it. Let’s take deep breaths…because we can. We’re not on ventilators. We’re not bed fast. We’re not in prison. We’re not on a street corner begging for bread.
What can we do today? We can do our part. We can fight the good fight of faith. We can work for justice and freedom. We can offer grace to those who need God’s grace, and He can use us to give it to them.
Let’s move about with mercy, kindness, understanding and smiles on our faces! Those smiles and those twinkles in our eyes radiate God’s love! Folks will “eye” it.
It’s a brand-new day. A brand new month. Clean slate. Let’s make new memories, celebrate life and all its many thrills – after all, this is the last day we have today.
“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Psalm 118:24