Build It and They Will Come
I’m on the road again — at last! That was once my mode of operation — BEFORE the season of Covid-19. That season pulled just about all travel to a screeching halt. But, not this day! On Saturday, I made a new trek to a new place. Rusk, Texas — that’s East Texas, Souteast of Tyler, Texas. Through ways — only God could orchestrate — my kids, Larry and Staci, were drawn there. The full story will come out later, but for now, they purchased 60 acres of land that helps fulfill, or at least begins to fulfill their dreams and carry out God’s plan that has been burning in their hearts for quite some time now. You can see the “Fueled by Fire” shirts being worn that represents Staci’s latest book and the zeal and determination they all have for making a diffference in people’s lives.

As many know, Staci and Larry have had a heart for hurting, broken, and lost people, more specifically, women, since 2009 when EMwomen (Empowering Women) began. EMwomen exists to rescue, educate and equip women who were and are broken and help them have a life of total freedom. With faith-based curriculums and outreaches, EMwomen helps women and girls become bold entrepreneurs, business leaders, moms, and strong women to be passionate about using their life and story to help transform the lives of others.

For a long time, Staci and Larry and their team have desired to have property where women can come to for retreats, short-period rehabilitation in tiny homes that will be built on the property, and only God knows all the success stories that will come. What you see in these photos are women who have personally had life transformations because of EMwomen. One, such gal was homeless and is now the Director of Outreach for EMwomen. She, who is now raising her two young grandsons, is prospering and being blessed and was thrilled to show me her new car. I saw three others who also have new cars. Their lives have been radically transformed.

It was a joy to be together to dedicate the Epiphany Ranch to our Lord. Epiphany means the manifestation of the Lord and we are seeing His presence in the lives of these women and so many others. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of my children and their sincere hearts for making a difference in people’s lives.

Staci planted a Bible at what will be the entrance to the property . Whoever comes on the property will be walking on “holy ground” — that was our prayer! We walked up and down the rolling hills and scaled the creek (soon to become a 10-acre lake stocked with fish). We stood under massive trees, praying and praising God for his faithfulness. There was 80% chance of rain but none ever came — another sign of God’s favor on us. Larry, with his chainsaw, marked the occasion for us as he cut cedar coasters as a momento for us. It was an awe-inspiring day of vision-casting and knowing God is leading.

Yesterday morning I awoke with these words to give to my children. “Nothing is impossible with God. Remember. Your job is not to feed the 5,000. Your job is to provide the loaves and fishes. This group of people represent the loaves and fishes. Now it’s God’s job to feed the crowd. I think of that show that Ty Pennington made famous. It was called ‘Extreme Home Makeover’. Ty came into town on a big coach bus with a team of people and surprised a family going through unfortunate circumstances. And that small team of people became hundreds of people with a home builder from their town who came in with his crew and teams of volunteers to get that home made over in seven days time. Seven days. That’s all it took. God created heaven and earth and mankind and animal-kind in seven days. I believe God is doing something in the supernatural that exceeds our expectations. I set myself in agreement with your dreams and visions. I’m looking forward to seeing what God shows up with!”

And, you, what about you and your dreams and visions? Little is much when God is in it. Why not dream big when we have a God of the impossible? Keep dreaming. Keep setting goals and moving toward them. Put your loaves and fish in God’s hands and watch Him multiply!