Bunny Trails That Give Bunnies a Bad Name

Bunny Trails That Give Bunnies a Bad Name

February 19, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

So I’m still caring for this pint-size Yorkie who, BTW, is about to get “shipped out” because she keeps telling me what to do. “Treat? Go for a Walk? Scratch my tummy! Put me as close to you as I possibly can get!” And, I yield to her, almost every time. Those big brown eyes are irresistible! What she doesn’t realize is that’s why I don’t have a pet of my own. I’m quite content with being responsible for just me and “just me” enjoys not having anyone telling me what to do, where to go, and what to say. Well, with the exception of Holy Spirit Who I’m prone to do, go and say what He says! I’ll admit, if someone was spying on us, they’d get a kick out of Emma and me conversing and me telling her she better “shape up or ship out”!

Our four-times-a-day walks include her trying to follow bunny trails – and me, reeling her back to the nice casual walk around the neighborhood. She endlessly sniffs around in circles, never getting anywhere. And she certainly never finds the bunny. But, I can’t blame her because I tend to go off on bunny trails myself. In fact, my bunny trails give bunnies a bad name. For example, I go to change my wash to the dryer, and on the way, I see my plant that needs to be watered and after I water the plant, I notice dishes that I need to put into the dishwasher. And, oh, while Im doing that, I realize I need to buy more dishwasher soap so I get my notepad. While I make a note of the soap, I hear a great commercial that says: “Order now. Call 1-800-xxx-xxxx.” I know I want it so as I start to order it, I remember that I need to change my wash to the dryer. Oh me!

Like I have to reel Emma back in, I think I’m feeling the tug from my Father – reeling me back in and reminding me: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways (including the bunny trails) acknowledge Me and I will make your paths straight!” (Proverbs 3:5,6) And from Psalm 119:1 “You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.”

I sure don’t want to be caught up going in circles, looking for a rabbit or bunny or even a squirrel. I desire to be focused, being intentional and purposeful in whatever my hands find to do. It’s been said that purposefulness is having “conscious” intention. It is having a clear focus on what and why we’re doing it.

I’m tending to think that this little Yorkie is more God’s plan than it my kids’ plan. I need to learn what NOT to do – being double-and-triple minded instead of single-minded. I’m determined to devote myself to the project at hand, not a part time or sorta-kinda commitment. And combine it with faith to believe that God will help me live out the purpose He has given me.