Can We Be Cornerstones?

Can We Be Cornerstones?

March 21, 2025 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

I did a search through my 4,072 blogs, and not once have I written about a cornerstone — so it’s about time I did!

The cornerstone is the first stone laid, the foundation upon which everything else rests. It’s more than just a building block — it’s the anchor, the standard, the strength that holds everything in place.

In Matthew 21:42, we read “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Throughout salvation history, many “stones” have been rejected, only to become trusted and beloved “cornerstones” in their own right.

No wonder Jesus is called the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). He is our unshakable foundation, the One who holds our faith, our families, and our very lives together. But what about you and me? Have we ever thought of ourselves as cornerstones?

Remember Joseph and his brothers who rejected him and sold him into slavery? (Genesis 37:23-28). But Joseph’s humility and his willingness to rely on God allowed him to rise above his difficult situation and become the cornerstone to save his family and all of Egypt from famine.

Because he preached the gospel in a pagan land, St. Patrick was rejected and opposed by tribal chieftains in Ireland. But he relied on God, and so he was able to devote his life to joyfully spreading the good news. His humility and love for God helped Patrick to become a cornerstone for the Church in Ireland.

For Joseph and Patrick, it wasn’t the rejection that was crucial, but their humility and steadfastness. That’s what enabled God to turn them into cornerstones of faith and witnesses to the gospel.

Are we ready to become a cornerstone? Maybe we think that God can’t use us because we’re not good enough, smart enough, or rich enough. But we don’t need to be powerful or brave to serve God.

We don’t need to be famous. We only need to be teachable and eager. God can use us — and He wants to! If we are faithful in little things, then He will give us opportunities to have more of an influence each day.

Let’s set our minds on serving God today — and then let’s watch for the opportunities — little or big — that He will send our way!

Use us, Lord. Please make us cornerstones like You — rock-solid, willing, faith-filled and unshakeable!