Celebrating Our Fathers

Celebrating Our Fathers

June 16, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Father’s Day has arrived and my heart is filled with love and gratitude for the incredible fathers in my life. Each one has left an indelible mark, and today, I want to celebrate them all.

First, my dad who was very ill until he passed on when I was just 15. He was a hardworking man, always ready with a joke to lift our spirits or a piece of wisdom to guide us. He taught me the value of faith and the importance of attending church. He was the Sunday School Superintendent so that made me famous!

Then there’s my late husband, the father of my children and the beloved Papa to our grandchildren. He was a man of deep faith, unyielding strength, and endless love. His dedication to our family was unwavering. He knew how to bring fun into our lives with spontaneous adventures. He loved us all uniquely and individually. His legacy lives on in our children and grandchildren, who carry his spirit and values with them every day.

Now, I am blessed to share my life with my current husband, a wonderful man who has embraced our family with open arms. He is not only a devoted husband but also a loving dad and “Pops” to his grandchildren. His presence is a source of joy and stability, and his faithfulness to God and family is truly inspiring. He brings laughter into our home with his hilarious antics and fun-loving nature, and his optimism and care for others sets a powerful example for all of us.

To all the fathers out there, this day is for you. You are the pillars of our families, the ones who work tirelessly, love deeply, and keep us grounded. Your dedication, whether through your hard work, your faith, or your playful spirit, is what makes our lives rich and full. You are the unsung heroes, the ones who often put your needs last to ensure that your loved ones have everything they need.

We can’t celebrate our earthly fathers without putting a big spotlight on our Heavenly Father, who is the ultimate example of love and faithfulness. God, our Father, is always there, guiding us, loving us, and providing for us. His love is perfect, unconditional, and eternal. He is our constant in a world that is always changing.

So, on this Father’s Day, let’s remember to honor and cherish our fathers, both here on earth and in Heaven. Because in the end, FATHER KNOWS BEST.

“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is who we are.” John 3:1