Changing Time….Literally
It’s time to SPRING FORWARD – setting our clocks FORWARD an hour! You’re welcome! And while we’re add it — let’s be okay with the change!
Daylight Savings begins tomorrow morning at 2:00 a.m. Making changes and adapting to them is often easier said than done. This change is a no-whiner and no-brainer and pales in comparison to the changes we faced in the last three years. Lest we forget — remember Covid? Remember school and church at home? And my change from living in Frisco, TX to Austin, TX? Maybe you had major moves, too!
Change for me happened this year when my youngest grandson passed his driver’s test, got his license AND a new car. Oh, me! It meant no more sweet after-school talks when I picked him up. I can whine about it or thank God for another season to grow.
Changes aren’t easy, but I like to think that we became audacious soldiers with the intense training we had in the last three years. We had to put on our combat boots and become strong, resilient conquerors during the pandemic. Look at us now! We survived it to celebrate God’s faithfulness even more. Shout outs to everyone that adapted to change in the wake of so many changes!
When I talk about this time change and the fraction of angst it could mean to adapting to new time schedules, we realize it’s just a blip on our radar screens. With God’s help, we have adapted well!
Changes are inevitable. Like this Daylight Savings Time change – it’s going to happen whether we want it to or not. Being willing to embrace change has so many rewards.
I look back on my life and see God’s providential hand in each change we made. We can hold change like the tight reins of a horse and resist it and refuse to submit to change, or we can shed that old stuck-in-the-mud thinking of “I’ve ALWAYS done it this way, and I’ll never change”. Or we can embrace change and grow and learn and adapt and embrace the potential of all that God may have for us in this new season.
Here’s the good news. We have this blessed assurance. God NEVER changes. “I am the Lord, and I do not CHANGE.” (Malachi 3:6). He walks with us in every season of life — no matter how easy or difficult.
We can choose to accept CHANGE because God has a plan for our lives – to give us hope, a great future, and to prosper us. If we trust in Him and allow the CHANGE to mature us in our faith and to grow us in becoming more like Him in how we respond and act, then we are promised that “Everything will work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28)
God orders our days. He knows the seasons we are exiting from, and He also knows those we are about to enter. It’s a new day – yesterday is gone. Let’s go ahead and set our clocks forward an hour and plan to awaken to the assurance that God knows all and if we’ll board His ways, we’ll travel higher, further and safer than we could ever imagine. God has got this and let’s just let Him carry us through each change. Let’s trust Him and enjoy the ride!