Character Matters

Character Matters

June 2, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

I am still remembering Memorial Day as I type this blog today. I have a dear friend who makes suggestions to me about potential blog subject matter. And, daily, he gives me encouraging and supportive comments about what I blog about via text messaging me. In the words of Dionne Warwick, ”That’s What Friends Are For”.

So, for my Memorial Day blog, he suggested I post one of the photos of the many tombstones of fallen soldiers. We had seen many of those photos at church on Sunday before Memorial Day. So, I posted one that included the fiancée of one of the men who died in combat.

Many of my friends on social media, in fact, posted photos and tributes of their loved ones who were so dearly loved and remembered.

Remembering the past is vital to living in the present. It causes us to remember those who died in defense of our nation and then express the most profound gratitude we can by how we live our lives.

Besides those who served our country, we should never forget those steadfast, strong, immoveable, and unshakeable people who built that same tenacious spirit in us. One of the greatest ways we can carry on and repay our loved ones for all they did in leaving a legacy to us, is to leave a legacy for those who follow us.

We make a point of doing just that as we purpose to live our lives of character, honor, faith, and love. Rick Warren calls that a “Purpose Driven Life”!

My sweet little mama had so little in terms of earthly goods to leave me, but what she did leave me was a legacy that continues to speak volumes in how I live my life every day. She lives on in me because she left me with the stuff that mattered.

The question for us is, “What will we be remembered for? What will we leave our heirs and those who know us? More than the tangible inheritances we will leave, our character (good or bad) is creating a legacy that will continue to speak after our life on this earth has ended.

“Unquestionable character” is one of the greatest gifts we can leave our loved ones. And that comes as we embrace the character of our Father God.

I know I want to leave a legacy that says “Donna was most known for keeping God at the center of her life. It showed on the outside, and behind closed doors.”

Charles Spurgeon said, “A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts – not on marble.”

“The one who lives with integrity is righteous; his children who come after him will be happy.” Proverbs 20:7