Choosing Wisely Which Side of History We Want

Choosing Wisely Which Side of History We Want

September 22, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

Not long ago, I wrote a blog about the Israelites and the plagues sent by God to the Egyptians in the Bible. Now, we know from firsthand experience, what a true plague looks like in our world. In a sense, it has felt like history repeated itself. But, Lord, please spare us from frogs, lice, flies, and locusts!

I also wrote a blog about the 1800’s and the turbulent, violent years of slavery and division between the states that led to the deadly Civil War. Becoming one of the most honored presidents of all times, was President Abraham Lincoln. With all the good he did, he was still called “Idiot, yahoo, original gorilla” as written on June, 2013 in “The Atlantic”. Here is an excerpt from that article: “By nearly any measure — personal, political, even literary — Abraham Lincoln set a standard of success that few in history can match. But, in his lifetime, the bile poured on him from every quarter that makes today’s Internet vitriol seem dainty. His ancestry was routinely attacked, his lack of formal learning ridiculed, his appearance maligned, and his morality assailed. No matter what Lincoln did, it was never enough for one political faction, and too much for another. Yes, his sure-footed leadership during this country’s most-difficult days was accompanied by a fair amount of praise, but also by a steady stream of abuse—in editorials, speeches, journals, and private letters. Northern newspapers called for his assassination long before John Wilkes Booth pulled the trigger. Amidst all that hate and animosity, in 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed all persons held as slaves in states of the rebellion “forever free” by The Emancipation Proclamation, one of Lincoln’s lasting achievements.

I know you must know what I was thinking as I read those words about the divided country and the animosity for its President. It often feels like we live in the worst of times as we relentlessly hear the disparaging remarks about our President and see the various factions who love – hate, honor – dishonor, protest – pro-act. What is the history our children and grandchildren are going to read and hear about? What do we do with all that has happened in this year of 2020? Do we continue to listen to what “they” are saying? Or, do we listen to what God says?

I pray that the final lines from our history books might read: “The people of deep faith and conviction, humbled themselves and prayed and sought God’s face and turned from their wicked ways AND God heard from heaven and forgave their sin and healed their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) Placing our trust in the ONE who knew ALL back in the BC and AD, the 1800’s and now, 2020, still oversees it all. Choosing which side of history we’ll be on, should sure make us want to choose wisely.

NOTE: The Return (to God), a Global Day of Prayer and Repentance, will hold a live event on the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday, September 26th. We can all do our part as a united voice to pray wholeheartedly for our country within our homes, small groups and, like I am, joining with neighbors outdoors in their yard — social distanced, wearing masks to pray for an hour this Saturday morning. Won’t you set aside some time to pray this Saturday in any way you can?