These photos capture a day of Christmas “love” like none other! I met Susie Jennings in October. Susie is the Founder and President of Operation Care. Susie stepped out in faith and obedience to God when she resigned from her nurse supervisory position at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas in 2011 to become a full time missionary to those in need.

She desired to serve God and her community after the tragic death of her husband when she asked God “What do you want me to do for you?” Then she said, “Don’t ask God that question, because He will tell you.” At that time, Susie didn’t like homeless people, but that’s where God took her — right to where most of the homeless live in Dallas. Her first mission was to buy blankets for them. She rallied her friends to help her in November, 1993. The homeless called her, “The Blanket Lady.” That beginning was the start of Operation Care which now ministers to homeless and impoverished families here and in nations around the world. Her spunk, energy and obvious love for God’s “misfits” inspired me so much, and it ignited my desire to join others from my church, and my family, to be a part of Susie’s annual Christmas “Happy Birthday Jesus” celebration at the Dallas Convention Center. We were able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the homeless and impoverished in the Dallas area. It was eye-opening, heart wrenching and inspiring beyond adequate words to share.

When I woke up Saturday morning in my cozy, warm and comfy bed, I thought about the precious souls I would meet at the event. I had seen the homeless sleeping under bridges or staying in shelters and while volunteering at the Food Pantry and Catholic Charities in Tulsa when I lived there. We also had served and ministered at the Salvation Army and John 3:16 Mission. But, reality set in for me on Saturday when we witnessed thousands and thousands of homeless people, bearing their earthly possessions in a cart, standing in line (some since the night before) to receive blankets, sleeping bags, coats, be fed a hearty meal, get haircuts, receive eye glasses, be seen by a medical team, have their feet washed and given new shoes, and best of all to be prayed with and to receive Jesus into their hearts.

One of our dear friends, Jody Weersing,lovingly served as she washed their feed and gave them new shoes. My daughter, Staci Wallace and grandson, Payton Wallace, were on the music team lifting up praises to God while the people ate their meal; Larry Wallace was on the coat distribution team, Denise Gerrich served on the Veterans’ team, serving those who faithfully served us and our country, and I served first at registration where I saw thousands upon thousands standing in line just to get in the door, then I moved to the greeter station when they came through the “heaven-on-earth” doors for them where they were high-5’d, hugged and celebrated with singing and welcomes. Finally, I stood at the entry to the meal line where I could hug them more and wish them Merry Christmas. My heart was full.

Unless you can see it with your own eyes, it is unimaginable – mostly, because we are people of so much “plenty”. It’s easy to remark, “What a shame”, and go on our way. But, God shows up with His people and organizations that go the distance in making a difference.
This Christmas season beckons us to have hearts of giving – pitching in a little cash into the Salvation Army kettle, donating coats from our overstocked closets, buying a gift for an Angel Tree child, or volunteering at an organization that does so much for the underprivileged on a daily basis. We can do something. While the recipients experience so much love, GIVERS of that love and compassion are sincerely on the RECEIVING end of so many blessings — way beyond what we give.
1) Our eyes our opened to the blessings we have, and to the “little things” we take for granted and we become more thankful.
2) Our hearts of compassion are opened.
3) The dissatisfied and grumpy attitudes that we have dwindle to softness and appreciation.
4) Blinders fall off our eyes and we see the needs of others far greater than our own needs.
5) We start to re-evaluate spending senseless dollars on gifts for family and friends that we know will be tossed in a corner within just a few minutes or hours of having received them.
6) We start to desire to help support volunteers do what they do.
7) We have unmistakable and contagious joy because we gave.
8) We start to realize WHY we are here on this earth.
God demonstrated how to give when He gave His only Son to us. That’s what Christmas is all about. The Reason for this Season. Could it possibly be that God has been waiting on us to live with PURPOSE — making a difference in the lives of others? Mother Teresa said, “What we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop,”
“For God so loved the world that He GAVE…….” John 3:16
“GIVE and it shall be given you, pressed down, shaken together and running over…..” Luke 6:38