Could this be our “For Such a Time as This” Moment?
It’s a phrase tossed around frequently. We’ll see shirts, hats, mugs, and social media posts that proudly ring out, “for such a time as this”. I know I use it a lot to impress upon someone that they are living in God’s divine destiny and purpose and it’s NOW time to step up and act on it! I know I use it on myself when I have an aha or awakening that God has revealed to me. I know that I’m supposed to step up and speak up to help make something significant happen.
We must give credit to where credit is due. Those words are credited to Queen Esther’s cousin, Mordecai. He spoke those words to awaken her to her options. She could do nothing, and her Jewish nation could be wiped out by the evil authority given by Haman, the king’s right-hand man who hates the Jews, God’s chosen people. Haman convinces the king to put out an order that will mean genocide for all the Jews in Persia.
Or the other option given to Queen Esther by Mordecai indicated that she was about to move mountains rather RE-move mountains that had her Israeli people in bondage with the potential of being completely wiped out by Haman.
But what did this phrase really mean? “For such a time as this” meant Queen Esther was to risk her life and her Jewish legacy (the king or no one else knew she was a Jew) with no guarantees of a positive outcome. That’s the “for such a time as this” Mordecai challenged Esther to accept. She had to reveal her true identity to the king and risk it all – either he believes her or evil Haman.
“Then Mordecai said to Esther: ‘Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?’” (Esther 4:13-14)
Her courage saved the Jewish people. If you haven’t read it, it’s a “must read”. And that’s the “for such a time as this” God also sets before you and me – especially in this year of 2021. It may feel like that a decree has been sent out to annihilate us, God’s kids, and what we stand for. But NOT SO! God has given each of us a job, position, resources, education, common sense, mission, and purpose. What seems to be a loss for God’s kids and all we have endeavored to change, He has, in fact opened opportunities for us to optimize His kingdom purposes. He didn’t place you or me where we are so we could eat figs all day long or post pictures on social media. He’s placed us wherever we are because we are in a battle, a war. It is obvious that we Christians are in the midst of a major conflict involving good versus evil. It doesn’t take rocket science to know we are in a “for such a time as this” moment of time.
To miss a kingdom assignment because we’ve become too caught up in our personal kingdoms is one of the greatest tragedies we could ever face. An entire nation was grateful for how Esther responded to Mordecai’s proclamation to her. Their lives were spared. How many souls can be spared in the culture where we live today when we choose to step up to be used by God for “for such a time as this” moments to serve, pray and defend — even if it involves sacrifice?
Lord, please turn our hearts and minds toward You and toward the roles You have chosen for us to live out. Lord, please help us put Your will and Your purpose ahead of our own. We humbly bow before You and ask for Your direction and guidance, as well as Your courage to live out the calling we’ve been given for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name, Amen.