Despairing is NOT Trusting in God’s Sovereignty

Despairing is NOT Trusting in God’s Sovereignty

November 10, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

Maybe I’m embellishing his game, but I think my son is as close as he can be to being a pro-golfer. He has excelled at his game and tournament play. On those days, he micro-manages his play. The right clothes, shoes, clubs AND, most importantly – mindset. When he speaks to a teammate during play, it’s usually not about matters of profound significance. It’s a great escape day from the usual very intense matters of the business he runs. It’s sort of that way when he calls me for a conversation. Rarely do we talk about his business and the stressors in his life. We talk about family and light-hearted moments that bring joy and optimism.

Occasionally a conversation comes up about the political turmoil in our country and the post-election drama. The sheer depressive climate we can create if we let ourselves “go there” for any length of time at all. I tend to think that allowing ourselves to despair – be troubled about these times places us smack dab in the middle of not trusting in God’s sovereignty.
In the dictionary “despair” means “the complete loss or absence of hope.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow penned these words: “And in despair I bowed my head; ‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said; ‘For hate is strong, and mocks the song of “Peace on earth, good-will to men!” Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: “God is not dead, nor doth He sleep! The Wrong shall fail, the Right prevail, with peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Every day, we face a myriad of temptations to give up or develop a sour attitude, which can suck the life out of us and those around us. Sickness, loss of someone close to us, divorce, losing a job, rebellious children, addiction, THIS election can cause despair. How do we fight back? One big way is to understand that what Christians know as spiritual warfare is what’s going on in our soul. Going to God’s Word (the Bible) and learning scriptures will soothe our minds and spirits. Thank God, I was ingrained with God’s Word as a child and still am today. It has been my lifeline and when I share what I know from God’s Word to others, it becomes their lifeline, too.

The Bible is the written Word of God. It gives us perspective and the truth that God will take care of those who obey and follow Him. The same Bible that comforts us also tells us we must do our part to help ourselves and help those around us, and yes, I believe, help our country.

In the case of America, it would be easy to despair. We have become a nation of mockers and scoffers when it comes to things of God. Psalm 1:1-2 says “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night.”

Things might seem bleak right now. But we Christians must keep doing everything we can do to stand for what Jesus called “for righteousness’ sake” (Matthew 5:10). It’s our service to Him. We must never despair, because God is on His heavenly throne, and He will have the final say on planet Earth.