Easter and our Hopes For Tomorrow

Easter and our Hopes For Tomorrow

April 21, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know WHO knows and as long as I maintain my “God perspective” on everything this life doles out, I know I will make it through what may look like a tragedy or triumph. How do I know that? It was because of what happened on Sunday!

Christ rose from the dead. We celebrated His miraculous “Comeback Story”, and BECAUSE HE LIVES, each of our days can be filled with hope and expectancy. That’s my story. I’ve told it many times before but I can’t help myself. Here I go again!

We named our daughter Staci Michelle. Staci means “resurrection life”; Michelle means “like God”. I’m not boasting at our great brainwaves in giving her those names, but I am boasting on what a tight relationship with God will do when we include Him in every decision we make. That baby girl was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (a lung disease) but after surrendering her to God and trusting in His healing power, we were afforded the package of total healing that was paid for by Jesus on the cross.

Today, I watch her in action every day – using her lungs – where the enemy messed with her – to sing, speak, teach and with God’s help, help resurrect people’s lives who were living in “death valley”. Radical life transformations are possible. God and my resurrected girl prove it daily.

Then, there’s our son who was born with severe club feet. Don’t tell me God is dead because I know Him to be very much alive as our little boy, was completely healed. On Monday, he ran his 55th full marathon (his 14th Boston Marathon). This time he crossed the line with his business partner (his first marathon). Their introduction to each other and now their partnership is another ingenious God-idea. Soon to launch, they created another company that will positively impact millions of people’s lives.

I’m thankful my children recognize “the God-factor” and if you were to ask them how they do what they do, they’ll admit that who they are and what they do are the product of believing “nothing is impossible with God”. Have they had to tough it out on some rough patches along the way? Oh yes….as we all do, but their dad and I paved the way for their audacious faith and “never quit” attitudes. We lived it daily before them. Naturally, they are the “apples that didn’t fall far from our trees”.

With all seriousness, I don’t share these “miracle” stories to impress you. I share them to impress upon you the One Who rose from the grave is alive for you and your family, too!

Twenty-one times in the Bible, we read that Jesus said He would be back, but the disciples didn’t believe Him. They forgot that He had never lied to them, so why would this be a lie? If Jesus said it, it will be. Hebrews 10:23 says “Let us continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the One who made the promise is faithful.”

It’s time to stop listening to the voices that say “You can’t” and it’s time to tell those voices to be silent. Oh, yes, our God perspective causes us to look at each day as miraculous, because the Risen Lord keeps His promises.