Embracing Change
Day 73 of Photo Inspirations — Embracing Change
A lot of trees were there before the CHANGE came for the land to become a shopping and entertainment area. Yesterday, when I returned home from Texas, just north of my subdivision, this new store, Gander Mtn, having its Grand Opening. I stopped in to see all the excitement — the place was overcome with droves of people checking it out.
Hunting and fishing equipment, archery, boating, running — you name it, they’ve got it, at least when it comes to needs for enjoying the great outdoors! Soon there will be a 12-screen theater, restaurants and retail stores in that area. Things have sure changed around here.
My post today isn’t about trees or Gander Mtn. It’s about welcoming change. Change is a beautiful thing, but often we resist change. Why is it that some folks can easily embrace change while others do everything in their power to prevent it? It boils down to perspective. We can welcome change or we can resist it and become stagnant, accomplishing nothing — not moving forward at all.
I’ve developed a way of positively viewing change in my life. Watching the love of my life pass away was one of the most life-changing times of my life. When he took his last breath, of course I had mixed feelings. I had joy that his suffering was over, but painfully aware that he was no longer here with me. Talk about change. That morning I was married, and that night I was a widow.
I think I’ve mastered the art of “change” — enough so, that I can share some of the “change” lessons I’ve learned to perhaps help you with change:
1. Life is About the Cycle of Life — When we realize the cycle of life is part of our journey of life, we’ll embrace every moment we have with each other. Enjoy the good times, and realize the not so good times are just temporary.
2. Wisdom Is Earned — There is no amount of money in the world that would convince me to go back in time. I am so happy to be where I am, and to have the knowledge that I have. I earned where I am, and the wisdom I’ve achieved was through change and experience. WOW — LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!
3. Learn To Let Go — Some might say, “That’s easy for you to say. I don’t think I can handle it!” And my response, “Oh, yes you can. God’s grace will be with you and you will make the necessary changes. God gave your children, your friends and loved ones to you for a season. Now free them to live in their season. Accept it, and move forward. And when a loved one goes HOME, their assignment on earth ends. Our assignment continues. This is OUR race — we MUST keep running.
4. Change Always Leads To Good — The reality about change is we just may not like it, but, inevitably it leads to something good. I look back at my life and I see a common trend. When something “bad” happened, it always culminated in the realization that took us to a better place. The tough times didn’t last for us, but we became tough people….and THAT HAS lasted. I’m ONE TOUGH COOKIE!
I promise you…..the ability to go from resisting change to embracing change can happen, but maybe not overnight. And it wasn’t overnight that all those trees came down, that buildings and houses and roads were put in. But today, there are bright lights all around that represent the beauty of the changes. Now, look at the bright lights of change in your world. You’ll find them — just be willing to CHANGE! #Change #LifeIsBeautiful #ToughCookie