Eyes Wide Open to Notice Miracles
I have a friend who reminds herself each day to “notice small miracles.” This isn’t only a phrase that she recalls to mind, but rather an attitude that she has chosen as a theme for her life.
She started the practice of noticing moments of goodness and beauty during a time of a family crisis, and that simple habit has become a touchstone for her to experience joy, whether in time of blessing or in challenge. She shares her “secret of happiness” by encouraging others to do the same.
Her practice has been my practice since the miraculous healings of both of my children, the check in the mail that was desperately needed, the friend that knew exactly what I was going through and gave me words that helped me conquer.
I can’t begin to count the mouth-dropping, mind-blowing times when I just had to look up toward heaven and declare: “Thanks God, I know that was You! You did that!” It is such a good thing when we give credit to Whom credit is due.
In our daily lives we probably won’t experience a miraculous event like when Jesus sent the disciples to the sea to go fishing and find a coin double the amount of their taxes that needed to be paid, but all the same, God surprises us in little and big miracles that relate to our specific needs and lives.
Psalm 77:12-14 reminds us to remember the miracles in our lives and to praise God for what He has specifically given us:
“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; You display your power among the peoples.”
What are some small miracles that you can notice today? Can you take a moment right now to offer some praise for the gifts you have recognized? Would you share with us some of those miracles?
Ask God to surprise you with some miracles as well as the grace to see and praise Him for His abundant goodness. Perhaps the practice to “notice small miracles” could bring change and blessing to your life as well.
Like my friend, let’s start looking and noticing the miracles that show up in our lives. It’s not always big and showy, but it is no less a miracle when the God of the universe shows up for His kids whose car won’t start – then does; whose computer goes whack – then suddenly it’s okay; the times when money is found in a drawer – just the amount we needed; or the co-worker’s hug that came just when we need that hug.
I believe in miracles – because I believe in God – the ONE that pushes the lily up through the stubborn sod – is the same God Who pushes us on to victory.
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3