Fighting our Battles on our Own
Imagine. We’re on a boat drifting down a calm river. Suddenly, the wind picks up. Waves begin tossing us around. Boatloads of water are coming in the boat. In a panic, we grab a bucket and start scooping water overboard as fast as we can.
We’re sweating and wearing ourselves out, convinced that if we scoop hard enough, we’ll keep afloat. Meanwhile, the Captain approaches and asks, “What are you doing?” We look up, a little frantic, and say, “I’m saving us from going under!”
Silly, isn’t it? Yet, how often do we try to take on burdens that belong to God?
“The battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15) This verse reminds us that, despite our best efforts, it’s not up to us to calm the storm. We’re not the Captain. We were never meant to hold the ship steady. That’s God’s role.
We’re worn out from trying to bail water from sinking marriages, financial worries, health issues, even the world’s crises. We jump in with all we’ve got, desperately trying to control what only God can.
We know we weren’t built to carry it all, so we finally throw up our hands and say, “God, I can’t do this anymore!” That’s when we realize truth — He’s got us, firmly and lovingly in His hands.
God isn’t disappointed in us for not being able to do what only He can do. The load isn’t ours to bear. When we surrender, we aren’t failing; we’re allowing God to take His rightful place as Captain of our lives. And only then can He steer us through any storm with His power and grace.
So, let’s let go of the bucket, take a seat, and trust the One who commands the waves. When we say, “Lord, I’m done trying to do what only You can do,” He says, “Good. Now, let’s get something done.”