Filtering our Hearing

Filtering our Hearing

July 23, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Once upon a time, to make a phone call when we were driving anywhere, we had to find a phone booth to make that call (usually found outside of a convenience store). Today, we can carry on phone conversations in our car!

With so many life-changing conveniences, we still get perturbed when we are “inconvenienced” because one of our “conveniences” has issues. Like dear Siri in my “convenient” cellphone. Sometimes she doesn’t listen well. Sometimes, Siri simply gets it wrong. I can’t tell you how many times friends and family have laughed at what I texted because Siri misunderstood me. Siri “heard”, but didn’t understand.

Lord, forgive me, because sometimes I’m just like Siri. Sometimes I hear, but don’t understand or even WANT to understand. There are times I believe God is trying to tell me something, but I choose to filter His words through my own rationale or feelings.

Like a couple of nights ago when I received a private text message asking me to be the speaker for a September retreat in Frisco, TX. My first thoughts were: “I can’t! The time isn’t right. I need to be on stand-by for my sis and mother-in-law in Tulsa who might need me. Gas prices are out the roof. This means bearing the responsibility for a successful retreat. And these days, I don’t even want the responsibility of a cat, dog, fish, or even live plants.

I replied to the sender that we could talk the next day, but I planned on saying “no”! I breathed a “quickie” prayer asking for God’s thoughts, but I might have had my fingers in my ears!

The next morning, after my usual morning routine, I pulled out my “Wordle” spiral binder where I write down random 5-letter words for the New York Times “Wordle” game. Wordle is one of those “brain” activities that helps keep our minds sharp and intact. I opened the binder and flipped the page, and I kid you not. On that page, were these words that I had written, but don’t remember when:

“RETREAT – Elijah had called down fire from heaven. He defeated the prophets of Baal and led the Israelites back to faith in God. The long drought came to an end. Victory! But then, after one death threat from Queen Jezebel, Elijah ran. After the victory, he was worn-out, dispirited, afraid and needed angelic help. Elijah RETREATED to seek the Lord at Mt Horeb where Moses received the 10 Commandments. He arrived tired, lonely, afraid. He left with a renewed sense of confidence and direction. Are you drained physically, emotionally, spiritually discouraged, weary? What do you do? Let’s go on a RETREAT today! Let’s take time with Jesus.”

I can’t make this stuff up. God wasn’t about to let me say “NO”! Divine intervention comes in many ways. Sometimes it may be through His Word when we open it. Sometimes it may come through a friend or relative. Sometimes it can come directly through His still small voice. Never should we EVER discard God’s voice through whatever means He so chooses. This day, He was loud and clear through a notebook that I must have quickly needed to use to take notes.

Today, I believe the Lord is saying to me AND you to keep our ears and eyes open to His leading – to His voice – however He chooses. I hear Him saying, “Donna, can you hear me now?” And, Donna says in reply: “Forgive me, Lord! Here I am. Send me! May my filter always be YOU, Your love, and Your Word.”

BTW – after the precious retreat director and I talked and prayed, plus the notebook, I said, “Yes!”

“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27