Floccinaucinihilipilification – Our Words Matter!

Floccinaucinihilipilification – Our Words Matter!

February 26, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Our words matter but does the word, floccinaucinihilipilification, one of the longest words in the dictionary, really matter? I can’t say that I’ll ever use it in a talk, but it brought me inspiration for today’s post. It came up randomly in a pop-up advertisement. It intrigued me and I even looked up its origin. Back in the eighteenth century, Eton College had a grammar book which listed a set of words from Latin which all meant “something of little or no value”. In order, those were flocci, nauci, nihili, and pili (which sound like four of the seven dwarves). “Fication” was tagged on at the end and now it means the “action or habit of estimating as worthless or no value.” That, my friends, is a word that no one should ever speak over you because you and YOUR words have great worth and great value when they are especially God’s words flowing through you.

We do matter and so do the words we speak. I’ve been given words of life and I pay attention to others to pay it forward and offer them words of life. When I saw a couple of dear friends going through some challenging times, I knew I needed to encourage them. I paid attention and I wanted to help them use the RIGHT words that will help produce a harvest of blessings. Oftentimes our words of negativity can be what digs up the seeds of faith and hope that we’ve planted. So, when the pressure comes, it is vitally important to use faith-filled words of hope and expectation.

As I read the Bible, I fall more and more in love with Jesus. He noticed people and usually they were the people that others overlooked — the rejected, the outcasts, the crippled, the thirsty, the broken and the sick. He cared about them and often went out of His way to speak to them. He paid attention them. He gave them His voice. Sometimes He would have detailed conversation with strangers like the Samaritan woman at the well. He gave her words of life, and because He did, she brought truth to an entire village. Many were saved because she received words of life. And, she gave words of life. (John 4:1-42)

You, and your words, may be the exact, one-of-a-kind expression of God’s love someone needs today. It doesn’t matter how loud your voice is. What matters is using the one He gave you. It doesn’t matter how much speaking experience you have or how many Bible verses you know. What matters is you caring and sharing your own unique story of God’s amazing grace and how you made it through your own set of challenging situations.

You are positioned within your family, friendships and community to offer something only you can. Offer your voice. Offer words of life to someone today. Be a life giver. That’s all God asks us to do. When we step out in faith and trust that He is speaking through us to others, lives change. All we need to do is watch and listen for the right moment to use words of life to change a life!