Frustrations can Lead to Divine Appointments
I am in an hour conversation with AT&T technicians from Macedonia and Panama City, C.A., who are trying to resolve issues with my McAfee Internet Security that comes with my AT&T internet service. My first thought is why aren’t U.S. technicians helping me instead of foreign countries. After unsuccessful attempts, we get disconnected. Argh! I can’t call back because we’re headed to Brennan’s baseball game in Houston.
I was frustrated with what seemed to be a waste of time the day before when I go at it again yesterday. I make the call to AT&T and this time the rep is in the Philippines. Fortunately, she is relentless to get the job done, but still to no avail. That’s when she calls McAfee. She hands me off to Rejis…on McAfee’s support team in INDIA!!! WHAT? I have been around the world these two days. But Rejis assures me he is McAfee’s advanced technical support. He seems to know his business and how to resolve my computer’s issues. He directs me step-by-step and, glory be, I am up and running. That’s a great end to my story, but not the best end.
Here comes the set-up from God. I realize it when I get ME out of the way and let Him enter the building! Rather, my heart! While waiting as my computer grinds away with the installation and updates, I remember that Rejis is in India. My previous frustrations and my callous heart suddenly become a tender, God-filled heart that cares about His children everywhere – not just in MY country. I remember the recent news that much of India is going into complete lockdown because a second wave of the coronavirus is paralyzing the world’s second-most populous country. I ask Rejis about it. I hear his hurting heart. He tells me how terrible it is where thousands of people are dying daily. The pain is unbearable in a country of so much poverty. I ask about him. He is at home in total lockdown. I ask about food. His mother prepares meals for him. He recognizes how blessed he is with his good job with McAfee, and so thankful that he learned English as his second language. I tell him how blessed I am that God put him in my life today. I tell him about my blog and the post I made the day before about “Arise” – my friend’s need for a heart transplant and other people’s needs for a spiritual heart transplant. He looks up my blog and reads portions of it back to me.
I tell him I know our encounter is way more important than my computer. I tell him about divine appointments. He agrees with me. He needed “light” today in so much darkness. He gives me permission to pray for him right here and right now. He welcomes my prayer. I pray for healing and miracles in his Country. I ask God to fill him with hope and for him to know God’s love. I express that I know God caused our paths to cross this day – especially after my frustrations. When all was said and done and we had to say good-bye, I think I heard him tear up. I know I did.
On the flip side of frustrations, if we lean into God’s still small voice and listen, we’ll find He is working out a plan for something good to show up. Opportunities to reflect patience, peace, and faith in the storm; opportunities to be a light to someone who is facing far greater circumstances than what we may be going through; opportunities to pray for that one who is hurting more than me.
We have the words of life to share with others. We have the love of Christ to give others. Perhaps, the frustrations are part of a Master plan that intersects our lives with someone who needs a healing touch in the middle of our day. If we don’t show up for the divine appointment — who will? Hmm — just maybe that “Warning: your computer security is at risk” was my divine-appointment set-up.
“The King will answer, ‘Truly I say to you, as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you have done it for Me.” Matthew 25:40