Tag: computer

Being the Pen of a Ready Writer

More than anything, I desire to be God’s pen as He is the Ready Writer. Psalm 45:1 says, “… my tongue is the pen of a skillful/ready writer.” That means when we speak words, we are writing them on our heart;s and whatever is conceived in our hearts will eventually come out of our mouths…

By Donna Wuerch March 8, 2024 Off

Let’s Talk about Partying

“Hear ye! Hear ye!” We’ve come a long way, Baby! Rather, I’ve come a long way, Baby! I’m letting the world know tomorrow is my birthday via an extremely sophisticated means – my computer and the internet. Back in the day, way before newspapers and radios, there were town criers. They made public announcements, shouted…

By Donna Wuerch August 25, 2023 Off

Our Beautiful Minds

As I type this blog today, it occurred to me that I am very, very grateful for my computer. And, I might add — grateful that it is working well, AFTER having a technician help me with the problem of my computer restarting in the middle of the night which resulted in a loss of…

By Donna Wuerch August 4, 2023 Off

Our Mission Field is Wherever We Are

All my life, literally, all my life, I have been encouraged to love God and share His good news. It started, early on, when I saw the flannel board images of Bible characters while my teacher shared the Gospel story. I was also taught little songs that emphasized the love God has for me. “Jesus…

By Donna Wuerch March 27, 2019 Off

Living in the Afterglow of Christmas

A happy, healthy, restful and relaxed day-after-Christmas to all! Many people are returning to their workplaces today, while others are running out for returns and after-Christmas sales, others are simply basking in the thought “Whew! We did it! We survived another Christmas!” I’ll be easing back into my usual routines because, for me, I’m right…

By Donna Wuerch December 26, 2018 Off

It’s a Computer Miracle!!!

Knowing we were heading out the next day for Beaver’s Bend, OK for a family fishing trip, I knew I had to write/type my daily posts in advance. Thus, this Hoot Suite-driven post today! Aww! Gotta’ love this world of technology that solves so many timing issues. I type the post and Hoot Suite provides…

By Donna Wuerch May 31, 2018 Off