God is a Starter AND a Finisher

God is a Starter AND a Finisher

November 26, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

Over the years I have had many projects. I learned to decoupage and I made several decoupage pieces for others, like their wedding invitation and marriage certificate or some other treasured photo or document. I have also been a greeting card graphic artist and was able to include words or a poem I wrote that expressed my love for the intended person.

When I was half-way through any project, I could have easily set it aside and finished it when I had time. No, that never worked for me. I had to finish what I started sooner than later. My mama taught me that. I was ready to quit something I would start but she would coax me back to what I was working on: “Don’t stop now. Finish what you start!”

Speaking of starters and finishers, I have come to realize God is a Finisher. He always finishes what He starts — and that includes shaping our character. God has been molding our character to be like His Son’s. We were created to be like Christ.

And here’s the best part: God will complete what doesn’t get finished in this life. He’ll finish our character and bring us to ultimate perfection in heaven.

The Bible says, “I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

What a day of rejoicing that will be! On that day, we’ll see Jesus face-to-face. Every neuron in our brain will go on overload. And we’ll be transformed to be like Him.

All our weaknesses will be gone.
All our limps will be gone.
All our aching joints will be gone.
All our failures and frailties will be gone.
All our insecurities will be gone. We will be transformed into perfection that day. We will totally reflect the glory of God.

But that will be THEN. Right here in the now and now, we’re not what we ought to be. We are only a fraction of what we will be. But God says, “That’s okay. I’m taking my time. I’m cheering you on at every stage. Just take every step with purpose, because one day, I’m going to finish what I began. And you’re going to be changed instantly into my likeness.”

That will be a day like no other. The Bible describes that day like this: “Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but He has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He really is.” (1 John 3:2)

I have been known to face-plant in some of my early morning walks. I wasn’t watching the pavement that was heaved or I wasn’t watching for the unlevel sidewalks. I know what stumbling is all about. We have all stumbled in this race of life. All of us have struggled. But our race is not over.

One day we will see Jesus face-to-face. And we’ll never be the same again. So in the meantime and in-between time, let’s be on purpose to finish strong.