God Showed Up as He Promised
Happy Birthday, Jesus, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
If you’re like me, you’ve planned, shopped, cooked, baked, and today you’re getting to rest on your laurels, or maybe you’re still at it with all-day Christmas activities.
For us, the crème de la crème came yesterday –- when we attended two Christmas Eve services. We were fully immersed. Fully present. All the hullabaloo dimmed in comparison to the real headline today: the BABY REVEAL!
It’s a BOY! BEST NEWS EVER! God, wrapped in flesh, arrived in the most unsuspecting way — as a cuddly, beautiful, heaven-scented baby boy. No royal parade, no press conference. Just a manger, a teenage mother, a devoted unbiological father, and shepherds rubbing their eyes in disbelief.
If you’ve ever felt that God doesn’t quite “get” you or your circumstances, think again. He didn’t just dip His toes into humanity. He cannonballed right in.
God put on skin and walked our dusty roads, felt our heartbreaks, laughed at weddings, and cried at funerals. He knows joy, and he knows disappointment, and exhaustion — without a single slip-up.
This morning, as we are picking up the remains of crumbled wrapping paper and the stockings are lighter, let’s remember this. While Santa leaves behind crumbs, Jesus freely gives us hope and eternity. The greatest gift was already unwrapped and waiting in a stable.
If your children are grown, cherish the sweet echoes of Christmases past. If your heart aches with missing someone, draw near to the One whose birth we celebrate today. His presence fills every empty space.
The gifts under the tree will eventually lose their shine. But the gifts heaven brought? They last forever. We know the full story. The baby grew up, faced a cross He didn’t deserve, and conquered a grave none of us could avoid. The real celebration? That empty tomb — the greatest plot twist in history.
So today, let’s celebrate our King of Kings and Lord of Lords — because of Him, our story doesn’t end here.
May your Christmas overflow with faith, hope, and love. After all, love was the driving force behind that manger scene. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.” (John 3:16)
Merry Christmas and Merry Forever — loving, serving, and celebrating the One who made this day worth all the fuss. Joy to the world! The Lord has come!