Got Your Ears On?

Got Your Ears On?

February 12, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

FYI to you youngsters out there!! Back in the 1970s, there was a major oil crisis and the U.S. government imposed a nationwide 55 mph speed limit. Fuel shortages were widespread and CB radios were used to help locate a supply of gasoline and notify other drivers of speed traps. The Burt Reynolds “Smokey and the Bandit” movie was made as a result of the CB radio boom. This might be a “blast from the past” for you 50+ year olds!!

I was a CB-er. My handle (name) was “Honeybee”! That name came from my cute, 41-mpg, yellow and black Honeybee Datsun that was given to me by a dear friend. I would listen for a break in the conversation, depress the microphone transmission button and then say: “Breaker Breaker 1-9. Got your ears on?” I was checking to see if there was anyone on that channel. And, if someone responded, I’d say, “You’ve got that one Honeybee. How’s it look over your shoulder (from where he’s coming from)?” Besides using the CB in our car, we traveled cross country in a 28-feet Winnebago – singing and delivering the “Gospel” message in word and song, as The Masters Four Quartet (a story for another day).

Talking and listening to truck drivers was a great way to stay awake when it was my turn to drive. I’d enjoy listening to them carry on with each other about the weather or an accident up ahead, alert each other to a “Smokey” (police) up ahead and, sometimes very quirky conversations. Thus…. “Smokey and the Bandit” was about a police officer chasing after Bandit, Burt Reynolds.

Now let’s bring that message home. I’m quite sure that God says the same thing to us. “DO YOU HEAR ME? GOT YOUR EARS ON?” He loves us so much and He wants us to HEAR Him when He speaks – just like the warnings and advice we give to OUR children to keep them from harm and danger because we love THEM so much.

In this season I’m in, I’m intentionally listening for His signals as I type these daily blogs, and as I seek Him for wisdom and guidance. God wants us to be blessed so much that He beckons us to obey Him. In Deuteronomy 28, we read “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all His commands, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God.” There’s the promise if we listen and obey.

God is always talking to us, but sometimes we are just not tuned into the right channel because we’re distracted with so much other noise in our lives. God is saying “Breaker-Breaker, got your ears on?” God speaks to us through His still small voice, through a song or scripture or a message we’ve heard, through a providential circumstance (maybe someone entering our life when we needed someone the most), through a dream or vision, or just a simple “inner knowing” that He has spoken to us by sensing so “right on” with a decision we’ve made.

He’s saying, “I know what’s best for you. Trust me. I’m your Father and I have plans and purposes that exceed your greatest expectations.” Now, that’s a “big 10-4” (in full agreement)! I intend to listen for God’s voice that is always leading, guiding, and protecting me. Yes, I’ve got my ears on!!! How about you?
Until next time, “I’ll catch ya’ on the flip-flop!” (I’ll talk to you on my return trip!)