Grasping Their Reality
There’s a moment when you might think your life sucks (for whatever reason), and then you see others who have a reality that makes your “issues” seem extremely miniscule.
Of course, there are those who “voice” their reality because they need prayer support, encouragement, and some motivation to keep on carrying on. No question, we all need encouragers.
Oftentimes, when we think no one else has an idea what we’re going through, God shows us someone else’s reality that is painstakingly worse than ours. It gives us pause for a reality check that others might need OUR encouragement and support.
I know some precious moms who have had their hands full with the care of their child with special needs for years. One such mom continues with caring for her 13-year old, very sick child who is still in diapers. She posted an image of a huge stack of diapers. The post read: “Dear Jesus, I’m really tired of changing diapers. Love a very tired Momma.”
Then, I read the replies: “I have 5 kiddos and “J” is still in them too. We should be diaper ambassadors.” Another mom said: “I honestly can’t imagine how many I have changed. Andrew is 15 and 2 other boys and now Kinsley.”
Another mom said: “I feel ya’, momma. When I hear someone complain about diapers, I laugh and tell them my oldest is 21 so I have been changing diapers for 21 straight years now. I haven’t done the math though. LOL!”
Yet, another mom said: “Well – I’ve been changing diapers since 1977. When my children were out of diapers, I was doing day care in my home. I figure there are worse things in the world than diapers. We’ve got this, my friends!”

While that post both touched me with empathy for those precious moms, it rang a bell that I hope we can all hear ringing! No matter how tough life is for us right now – there’s reason for gratitude. There is always someone who is going through tougher times.
In all times and situations, regardless how tough they are, God gets us and knows what we’re going through. God’s premier self-description is “the compassionate and gracious God”. (Exodus 34:6)
That means that both our pain and our prayers affect Him. He has us on his heart. He takes our burden on Himself and remembers us. As we imitate our Father, we will feel the burdens of others and help “bear their burdens.” (Galatians 6:2)
So, we do what we can as encouragers — a phone call, text message, an offer to bring them dinner, or “child-sit” — tenderly to show their suffering matters to us. We have them on our heart, and we want them to know it.
For all of us on the outside looking in at hurting people, it’s up to us to say something and do something. Those encouragers I spoke of here — YOU ARE HEROES in my book AND even more so in God’s BOOK! I encourage caregivers to carry on. You are valiant, loving and non-quitting HEROES! God’s strength, peace, and love be with you!