Happy Almost Thanksgiving!
I saw this adorable little girl and the version of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, read it, took it to heart, and, whoa-la — my blog for today! Thanks, God, for the inspiration! I love it when I see and hear from Him. I’ve always said, my blogs are for me AND you!
Clearly, this verse from 1 Thessalonians 5, speaks more about God’s will being in our actions than His actions. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for THIS IS GOD’S WILL for you in Christ Jesus.”
When we do our part – staying in a mindset of rejoicing, pursuing Him in prayer and having an attitude of gratitude IN ALL circumstances – we can let go, and LET GOD!
BTW – notice the scripture says “…give thanks IN all things” not FOR all things. So in the middle of an illness or a crisis of some kind….right smack dab IN the middle of “the things”, we thank God for His goodness, love, mercy, and grace. That is HIS will for us.
God knows the beginning to the end of our story and when we live in sheer resolve to keep Him up front in our lives – His will, just naturally, is a part of every action, reaction, decision and follow-through. But, dear Lord, how can I rejoice ALWAYS, pray CONTINUALLY, and give thanks IN ALL circumstances?
That sounds like a waaay over-the-top, unrealistic challenge! But God never speaks in “impossibilities”. He is always “all things are possible” speaking!
I believe that we can ALWAYS purposely focus on our heart’s attitude. It expresses itself throughout the day with silent prayers of vital communication with the LORD. We can always be “on line” with God so when the Holy Spirit moves us to pray, we can instantly agree with Him. When in agreement with the Holy Spirit, we are praying continuously. The heart attitude of praying without ceasing means an ever-open heart to the Lord’s leading.
If we are praying without ceasing — even while driving, changing the baby, washing dishes, or running a lawn mower — we can be open to the leading of the Spirit when He urges us to pray for something or someone.
We all need a refresher course in clearing our heads and hearts to hear directions from Heaven-Central! And, when we stay connected to the “hot line” by rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks in all circumstances….we can be assured God’s plans and will are being done on earth as they are in heaven.
Where we are – He is and when we trust Him as we’re doing our part to rejoice, pray and give thanks – He gives us peace and understanding. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5,6).
Get that? We’re “IN ALL HIS WAYS” when He gets our attention. We don’t have to look far or go far — because He’s already there.