Happy Birthday, Jesus, and Merry Christmas to All
Day 360 of Photo Inspirations — Happy Birthday Jesus & Merry Christmas to All!
It’s 4 am on Christmas morning, and I’ll be heading to the airport for my flight, over the rivers and through the woods and mountains and prairies to get to Seattle. After a beautiful week (in the 70s) with my Texas family, complete with Christmas parties, programs, shopping, playing games, having our traditional movie night (Star Wars rocked), caroling, and celebrating the night when Christ was born with a yummy meal with dear friends, and to cap it off was seeing Larry and Staci working so diligently in getting a Music Room made in the home to surprise Payton & Alexia. This will be where their friends will bring their drums and guitars to jam and practice worship and praise songs for their band at church.
Last night was special for so many reasons. Dez Duron (finalist on The Voice a few years ago) was a guest vocalist at the Christmas production that Payton and Alexia were in. I loved it when Alexia called to tell her Mom “I’m screaming on the inside! I just had my picture taken with Dez. This was her instagram post “AHH! @dezduron has literally made it as the highlight of my year in the nick of time #ChristmasEve #yiss #ImInternalyScreaming” LOL!
But when Staci gave Larry his surprise, it was the icing on the cake. Larry, an alumnus of Texas A&M, holds his university near and dear to his heart. He lost his class ring years ago, but Staci and Payton surprised him with the exact replica of that ring last night.
It was heartwarming to say the least. It’s not often you see 6′ 5″, Big Larry cry, but I love his heart and sensitivity so much, because this time, he did cry. Precious, precious times! How blessed I am.
Now, I’ll see my WA family in just a few hours. I loved it when Ryan texted me last night. “We’re on our way to church and Bryson just said, “It’s a Christmas miracle. Nana is coming tomorrow!” LOL! I just might even pass Santa on my way to Seattle — if he is behind schedule.
Maybe, this Christmas morning you’re having your traditional family breakfast and opening Santa’s presents and seeing what he left everyone in their stockings…..no longer hung with care. Now they’re on the floor, stuffed full of goodies and treasures. Santa’s cookie plate only has a few crumbs left. After all, he gets quite hungry on his exhausting journey.
Oh, the joy of hearing the children’s laughter and excitement today — and the thrill of Christmas in their eyes. If your children are grown, enjoy the sweet memories of past Christmases. If you are missing children today, spend Christmas with God’s Son. And if your loved one is in heaven, like mine is, we can know with certainty that he or she is having the most joyful Christmas possible.
Christmas is a day and the tangible gifts we received from friends and loved ones are temporary. But the gifts that heaven brings us are eternal. Let’s spend today celebrating the fact that the baby in the manger was God’s perfect gift to us. I hope you will receive all that Jesus was born to give. May your Christmas be blessed with faith, hope and love. God’s greatest gift is love. “For God so loved you that He gave you and me His one and only son.”
May God richly bless you and those you love, on this special day.