Happy Mother’s Day to the Sisterhood!

Happy Mother’s Day to the Sisterhood!

May 10, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

And that is YOU even if you’ve never borne down in the battle cry of birth or not! Of course, I honor my own precious mother today because if it weren’t for her – I wouldn’t be and neither would these children and grandchildren of mine. The best of me came from her. I thank God for that precious saint that I’ll throw my arms around one day and thank her again and again for giving me — ME!

I believe that all of us are called to mother another – whether we call it mothering or not. We mother because we’re called to it. We are the ones who reach out to a struggling sister, child, college student, teenager, grandmother or couple. We mother the one who shows up at our doorstep to hear a positive word that she can make it one more day of home-schooling her children. We mother whether we’re married or not, and have a slew of kids or not.

We mother because we can’t not mother. We can’t help ourselves, because there is a friend who has been hurt and needs a soft, safe place to land. We mother because we’ve watched our mothers make TLC soup for the sick. We mother because the older woman at the mall locked her keys in her car and we call for help for her and we wait and encourage her until help comes (true story). Because, we mother.

We love with genuine affection in our hearts. We delight in honoring each other. We give ourselves away — little bits and pieces of who we are, of our courage, of our deep faith, of our hope and peace. We bear down and we find ways to bring life to people desperate for air. Because it’s what we do – we mother.

Every single woman who loves, sacrifices, encourages, tends, cares, raises, praises, shapes, forms, nurtures, and cheers on others, no matter how you came to be connected with them, is doing an amazing, mothering work. And today — as we celebrate our earthly (or heavenly) mothers, we celebrate you, too.

I honor you, believe in you and champion you! Happy Mother’s Day to my Sisterhood! Thank you for all you are and all you do!

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” (Romans 12:10)