Happy Palm Sunday! What Did Jesus See?
Not long ago, a new couple moved into an apartment across the hall from us. We welcomed them, and after that, would have casual conversation with them.
The wife was always in a wheelchair. I never asked why. But one day, no questions asked, I was prompted to pray for her. They welcomed the prayer, and since then, we have been great “Hello and Good-Bye” kinds-of-friends.
But, at last Thursday night’s mix and mingle, while enjoying a delicious meal, I glanced behind me and saw our “across the hall” neighbors sitting by themselves. Immediately I sensed I should go visit with them. I saw. I sensed.
That action on my part literally gave me a window into their souls. My husband joined us a few minutes later and his “window” was opened, too. We will be more than “hello and goodbye” kinds of friends from now on.
Today is Palm Sunday. This is the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (not a thoroughbred horse of majestic proportions). He knew already what was in store for Him over the next week. He knew He had been called to suffer and die – taking our weaknesses, sicknesses, and mistakes to the cross with Him. AND BONUS for us — Jesus accepted His Father’s plans to go the distance for us.
I started this blog with our miniscule attempts to get to know others from a distance far too long. The old song comes to mind – “To be like Jesus; to be like Jesus. All I want is to be like Him. All through life’s journeys, from earth to glory. All I want is to be like Him.”
In Mark 6:34, we read: “When Jesus saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” How do we know if we’re looking at life from God’s viewpoint? By the way we see other people.
It is a great test of our spiritual maturity – even better than asking how much of the Bible we know, how often we go to church, or whether we serve, tithe, or pray. Life is all about love and relationships. That’s what Jesus demonstrated. He saw.
Imagine what He was thinking when He saw and heard the crowds shouting, “Hosanna in the Highest!” Do we think He might have had just a little pride in being so lauded and praised? Or was His heart so full of compassion that He knew those people would be the same ones who would mock Him and cry out “Crucify Him!” just a few days later.
Palm Sunday offers us the opportunity to be authentic with our worship and praise to He Who would be crucified for us next Friday. Doesn’t it conjure up every fiber of our beings to be those people who SEE as He saw; to forgive as He forgave; to love as He loved?
I’m thinking that if we wish to gauge our spiritual maturity, it’s time we think about how we SEE others. All people matter to God. It doesn’t matter who they are, what they’ve done, or even what they believe. Christ died for them. Jesus loves them. God has a plan for everyone, and He wants them to have a relationship with Him.
That’s the way Jesus sees people. That’s the way we can grow to see people too. We can learn to have compassion for others. “I see you,” Jesus says. The next time you struggle with feeling unseen, revel in the joy of being truly known AND seen!
Beautiful words for this Holy Week

. Julie
Love you, sweet friend