He’s the Answer to Everything

He’s the Answer to Everything

April 15, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

Maybe you’re thinking “Donna sure loves Easter because she keeps talking about it”. If you thought that, then you’re right! I can’t leave Easter alone – it’s the reason for everything we hold dear in our lives. And, besides, Easter isn’t over anyway. We’re not done yet! The Easter season (the resurrection of our Lord and His time on earth before ascending to heaven) continues for 40 days AFTER Christ’s resurrection. That’s why I’ll keep all my Easter décor up until we celebrate His ascension to heaven on Thursday, May 21st!

That was 40 days He was “in and out” of places and people’s lives. He was showing up when they least expected Him. Can you imagine being one of those who were eye witnesses of the “alive and well” Jesus? They are those who documented and verified Jesus lives. Thank goodness for the Chronicles of Jesus in the Bible. True story. Without a doubt, He lives!

Among those who witnessed Him alive, the first was a woman, Mary Magdalene. He even spoke His first words as our resurrected Lord to her. Then there was Peter and the disciples behind closed doors, and even to “doubting” Thomas who touched the nail prints in His hands and His pierced side. I love the story of Jesus joining the two disciples on the Emmaus road as a stranger. He went to their home, broke bread with them and they recognized their Lord.

For 40 days, Jesus was able to prove to His followers that He really had been raised from the dead. In 1 Corinthians 15:6, Paul records that Jesus “appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time”. He needed to teach His disciples the kind of King He really was. What a seminar on biblical teaching and resurrection life that must have been! Imagine being taught about new life, resurrection life, and never-ending life by the One Who had said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live.” (John 11:25). And at the end of the 40 days, He ascended to heaven. But, even that wasn’t enough for Him. He couldn’t be everywhere at one time, so He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us to comfort, guide, and lead us. He lives in our hearts.

What does the Life of Christ — His birth, His resurrection and these forty days to His ascension mean to us? First of all, because He lives, we can face whatever this day and what our tomorrows hold. Only He knows if we’ll be able to be back home in our churches, our places of business, dining in at restaurants and shopping at our favorite stores any time soon. I watch the news very little – only for an occasional update. I don’t want to live in the gloom and despair – not to be oblivious of it, but I, rather, want to be a member of the choir that sings songs of hope, joy, peace and LIFE that Christ gave us.

The Life of Christ is the ANSWER TO EVERYTHING — past, present AND future. Our God reigns supreme — overall and that should change our perspective about EVERYTHING.

Science was never my favorite class in school, so I was eternally grateful when I passed that class. Done and done! Whew! So, although I’m not a stellar scientific know-it-all, I know this. When I look up at the night sky and I see the stars and planets, I know He lives. When I walk outside in the daytime and see the beauty all around me, when I hear birds chirping, feel the wind against my skin and as I live in peace that passes understanding, I know it’s because my Savior, my King of Kings and Lord of Lords LIVES. Let’s keep celebrating this miraculous, life-changing Savior Who is the answer to EVERYTHING!