He’s Way Ahead of our Expectations
What were your Easter expectations? Happy family get-togethers and Easter egg hunts for the kiddos? Worshipping together in church for this high praise and worship day when Christ was raised from the dead? That one time a year that your family is willing to come to church together? Or maybe for a miracle healing to take place like the miracle of an empty tomb?
Here’s the thing about expectations and best laid plans — more than likely there just might be disappointment. Imagine the expectations and best laid plans of the disciples and those Palm Sunday worshippers who just knew that Jesus was about to set up His Kingdom on earth. They were gravely disappointed when they learned Jesus wasn’t about an earthly kingdom but a heavenly kingdom where moth and rust can’t corrupt but a kingdom that is about righteousness, peace and joy and the kingdom that is eternal.
I woke up yesterday morning with my expectors expecting to give honor, glory and praise to He Who is worthy of all my praise. I watched two Easter church services online before I headed to my third Easter celebration at St. Vincent de Paul church. There were Easter lilies in abundance which heralded in “It’s Resurrection Sunday. He arose triumphant. God’s not dead. He is alive AND well!” Might I insert here how much I enjoyed seeing so many women and girls adorned in their Easter dresses – unlike our usual “come as you are” attire to church! Just having my momentary memory of me in my frilly dress, hat, and gloves as a little girl on this monumental resurrection Sunday. There was anticipation in the air of the hallelujahs that were about to reverberate to every nook and cranny. This holiest of all days which represents the culmination of our faith in a risen Lord and Savior.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest event in history and the fundamental reason for our hope and joy. The message is all about the empty tomb. And, if our focus is on the empty tomb and the risen Savior, then our expectations will not disappoint. There is no way to overdo our worship and celebration during Easter. Then I was on to my next worship service at City Reach Church where I also attend with my family. Here there is music that take the decibels up a notch and singing that comes from the tips of our toes. It is all out abandonment to worship our Savior for the price He paid for our redemption. With hands raised and tears streaming – we were a resurrection people giving our hearts of gratitude to our Savior who paid the price of our debt with His life.

Coming together as a family to remember the events that led to this climactic victory over death and recognizing God’s power in the resurrection is key to being a family of faith and hope – along with enjoying love and communion around the Easter dinner table. Just thought I’d add a photo of my Austin crew after our dinner.
Made it home and while checking my newsfeed, there was Carrie Underwood belting out “Because He Lives” on her Easter concert at Ryman Auditorium. It was the finale to a great day, but actually, the beginning of how I plan to live my life – with expectors expecting God has my future and your future all taken care of – we trust in His resurrection power to carry us through to victory:
“And because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth a living just because He lives”