His Mercies + My Mercies Makes for a Merciful Day
Wouldn’t it be something if we could say, “My mercies are new every morning”? I wish I could. But if I’m honest, some mornings I’m doing good to roll out of bed, wipe the sleepiness from my eyes and embark on a new day of simply taking in God’s tender mercies.
BUT I sincerely want to be like my Father Whose mercies are new every morning! I read this scripture: “The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies are new every morning.” Lamentations 3:22-23.
I know those words are true. I know His faithful love, His fresh mercy each morning. But, then there’s ME! What about my love, my faithfulness, my mercy to others? I want MY faithful love, MY faithfulness and MY mercies for others to never end.
Maybe your mercies are tested like mine are sometimes. The kind that pops up when I’m stuck in the only open checkout line for what feels like forever, or when a rogue lawn sprinkler decides my clean car needs a little sprinkle. And let’s not even talk about that time when the drive-thru bagger omits the condiments!
And then there are those moments that test my patience to its limits, like when someone cuts me off in traffic, or when my annual physical check-up that was scheduled a year ago, is cancelled because my doctor is out of town. The new appointment is now in November! I’m sure you’ve had your own share of these mercy-draining moments.
But here’s the kicker — while I’m over here wishing my mercies were as fresh as the morning dew, God’s mercies are already doing their thing.
Here’s the truth: my mercies might need more caffeine some days, but God’s mercies? They’re always fresh, always ready, and always overflowing. Jesus set the bar for us in the love, faithfulness, and mercy departments, and God is constantly inviting us to come and learn from the best.
No spiritual scorecards, no performance reviews — just an open invitation to sit with Him and soak in His wisdom and grace.
So today, let’s make our prayer simple: “Lord, make me more like You. Fill my heart with Your love and mercy, and let it spill over into my life every morning. And please, help me grin and bear it when I don’t get my way!”
His mercies are new every morning, and with a little help, maybe ours can be too.