How Big is Easter?
We’ve made it to Wednesday of Holy Week. Just three months ago, we were celebrating Jesus’ birth. During the Christmas holidays we think of Him as “the little Lord Jesus,” who “laid down his sweet head” in a manger. It’s hard to understand why people would come to hate Him, conspire against Him, and ultimately kill Him.
But it’s not just the baby Jesus. It’s also the man Jesus who, according to Acts 10:38, “went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.” Why on earth would anyone want to kill someone for doing good?
There is a disconnect in many people’s minds between the life Jesus lived and the death He died. The story feels a little like a poorly written movie which, when over, leaves us dissatisfied. Why did the lead character die? Why did people hate Him so much when He was so kind? It doesn’t make sense.
I can’t imagine how people could have motives for wanting Jesus out of the way. All those naysayers in authority viewed Jesus as a threat. It started early when King Herod heard about the birth of a child in the royal line and dispatched soldiers to kill Him. How could a grown man see the sweet baby in a manger as a real threat?
Jesus’ life was threatened numerous times, most often by the religious leaders known as Pharisees. They regarded Jesus as a challenge to their authority in the synagogue. His criticisms of their hypocrisy threatened their credibility.
Jesus wasn’t crucified for saying ‘Behold the lilies of the field, how they toil not, neither do they spin,’ but for saying, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! (Matthew 23:15)
Then there were Sadducees who panicked thinking Jesus might remove them from power, so they acted and within days had Jesus arrested and executed.
But all the diabolical rage and actions of Jesus’ enemies could not stop God from achieving His purpose. In fact, He incorporated them into His plan.
Let’s get real! All those who oppose OUR faith, our generosity, our loving and caring ways, our stand for life from the cradle to the grave, are like those who wanted Jesus dead.
BUT God! God is unstoppable. The hatred that put Jesus on a cross was no match for the love that laid Him in a manger – and raised Him from a grave.
So, let’s take that monumental thought, the miracle, the good news for you and me. GOD is still the MASTER MIND behind this world. As ugly and senseless are those who deny God and His power, Who mock us and our faith, our God has a plan. The hatred in our world is still no match for God and His plans.
All of humanity — ALL OF US — were cursed and doomed to death, but during this Holy Week of Easter, Jesus assumed the guilt of humanity and died in our place so that we might live.
From the manger to the cross to the grave to life is the grandest celebration of all because Jesus’ death means life everlasting for you and me. That’s something to shout about!
So, how big is Easter? It is the answer to EVERYTHING!!!!