How Could I Complain About…..Anything?

November 8, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

So why have I posted so much about our missions trip? And, what is the big deal about going on a missions trip, or even being missions-minded? And why take children with us on a missions trip?

1) It opens our eyes to the blessings we have in our lives.

2) It opens our eyes to the “little things” we take for granted.

3) It opens our hearts to the needs of others — so much so, that we just can’t help it….we just HAVE to give.

4) It causes a “culture” shock that awakens our hearts of compassion.

5) It causes those hard, crusty, dissatisfied and grumpy attitudes that are so easily a part of our lives….to dwindle to softness and appreciation.

6) It causes blinders being taken off to see the needs of others far greater than our own needs.

7) It causes us to re-evaluate spending senseless dollars on gifts for friends and family members that you know will be tossed in a corner or a drawer or even trashed, within just a few minutes or hours of having received them.

8) It causes the mindset of “Thanksgiving” as truly being thankful for every blessing that God has brought into our lives.

9) It causes a hunger to help support the precious people and volunteers do what they do.

10) It causes unmistakable and contagious joy.

11) It causes us to evaluate just WHY we are here on this earth at this time.

I truly get it — that as we focus on God and His Great Commission, everything will be radically altered—including our thoughts about the world and those in need — our prayer life, our eating habits (including what things we’re willing to “try”), our disciplines in health and fitness, our family’s stewardship of faith and finances. A missions mindset will impact—for eternity—our focus on our future and their future.

Could it possibly be that God’s been waiting on us to live with PURPOSE — making a difference on a daily basis of other lives?