How the Tides Can Change

How the Tides Can Change

May 13, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Home at last after a remarkable week cruising Eastern Canada and New England. Still, there truly is no place like home sweet home. The joy was doubled as my East Texas family journeyed to Austin to celebrate Mother’s Day with us.

Big brother Ryan and sister Shawntel opened their welcoming, spacious home to everyone, while Carl and I unpacked our memories from our suitcases late Saturday night.

Sunday was a blessing, worshipping together at church and then journeying to Driftwood — which made my day complete! Well, it could have been anywhere — just having my entire “crew” together made my heart full. How precious it was, having all 13 of my children and grandchildren together with cousin, Karlei, joining us in a rare gathering of hearts so often scattered across the map. AND, let’s especially cheer for my family photo — seen here! Yay!

I titled this blog “How the Tides Can Change” to mirror the ebb and flow we observed in the vast bodies of water on our cruise. Near the serene shores of Bar Harbor, Maine, the Atlantic Ocean lay calm, almost still, while farther out, it danced with waves nearly ten feet high.

Such is life. There are moments when peace envelops us like the lyrics of “Silent Night, Holy Night—All is calm, all is bright.” Yet, there are also times when our sorrows surge and swell like sea billows, yet still, we sing, “It is well with my soul!”

Reflecting on Acts 3:26, where Peter speaks of God’s promise to Abraham, “In your offspring, all the families of the earth shall be blessed,” I pondered the true meaning of “blessing” for Abraham. Did he envision tangible improvements like better tents, stronger camels, more obedient children, and fruitful crops? Or was there something deeper at play?

Could Abraham have imagined that one day his distant descendant, ME, would be sharing her heart’s reflections from a slim, modern laptop, connected to the world through invisible strands of Wi-Fi?

As I type this blog today, I am in a world of gratitude for blessings beyond what I deserve or merit. I am thankful that our Lord is with us in the highs and the lows, in the ebbs and flows, in the waves and in the calms of life.

Life is made up of it all and at the end of this day to lay our heads to rest on our pillows, or at the end of our lives when our heads are laid to rest as we pass on to eternity, one thing is for sure! It is that God is with us and THAT gives us reason to carry on as good and faithful servants!

May your tides flow with the greatest of God’s blessings, my dear friends!