How’s it Going with Filling in the Blanks?

How’s it Going with Filling in the Blanks?

January 31, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch

We had a sweet get-together with my Ryan and Shawntel a couple of days ago. It was to fill in the blanks of our lives. The ones we’ve missed because of our busy schedules. Both couples have been so busy we have only spoken in occasional phone calls or text messages. That just wasn’t enough to satisfy our “need to know” what is going on in our lives.

Their busy schedules and ours, as well as our calendars, have been packed full of activities, travels, businesses and life, in general. It was wonderful to be able to fill in the blanks with them.

We like all the blanks filled in. All the gaps closed. All the details disclosed. But, I believe God wants some “blanks” in our lives. Our all-knowing God not only allows it but actually designed life to be this way. It’s the truth we see tucked into this scripture: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

Without blanks, we would have no room for Him to enter in and write His answers; for Him to become the Way when there is no way; for Him to be the Truth when lies try to consume our thoughts; for Him to be the Life He’s designed when we are trying to control our stories.

God wants us to leave room for surprises and divine appointments. If we had all the blanks filled in, we would explain away God’s part in our story. God wants to be invited in. He wants us to make room for His additions to our story.

One time God was told, “There is no room,” and He turned an ordinary stable into an unforgettable sanctuary. “No room” became a space where Jesus stepped through glory to the grit and grime of this broken world.

And what do the blanks and unanswered questions of our lives provide space for? His entrance. So why is it OK for us to not know the details of our lives? Because God desires us to have space for Him – especially when OUR details are concern, worry, and packed full of questions about tomorrow.

His desire is for us to find space for Him. His mind over MY matters. May we let Him fill in our blanks with His goodness, mercy, joy and peace for each detail of our lives.

Everything He does has a holy purpose. Even those things that make no sense to us. So, today we pray we realize that He is our WAY, our TRUTH, and our LIFE Who we need so much. He is our Redeemer and we can trust Him with every detail of our stories!