I Wanna Go Back…..Maybe NOT!

I Wanna Go Back…..Maybe NOT!

November 3, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

I’m revving my engine, mentally and physically, as I type this blog today. A lot has been on my plate for the last few days and even more the next days, weeks and even months. I was on the road again after a beautiful three days in Tulsa. Made it to Austin last night — safe and sound — on the road again! Lots to do, places to go and people to love,

I heard the David Dunn song, “I Wanna Go Back” again and this time it really resonated with me. The song describes how as we grow older and lose our childlike faith and belief that we can do or be anything. Instead of being grateful for all the abilities we have to drive a huge vehicle on crazy busy highways and byways, and even maintain our lives on our own, take on responsibility and conquer it, and be grateful we even made it through our childhood ups and downs, we digress to wanting to go back. David Dunn sings “I wanna go back to “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. I wanna go back to “This little light, gonna let it shine.”

This time when I heard the words of that song, I realized how much Jesus does loves me and I truly know it. I’m not just singing words. I’m singing from my very being. He loves ME! He sees me as a beloved daughter and though often I feel like a messed-up kid, He still loves me — this I know!

Here’s the funny thing. As a kid, I thought God was out to get me when I slipped – maybe a little peek at a friend’s paper to get the answer to a question, or the little fib I told my mom. I feared Him and His big stick. Today, I recognize my mistakes quickly, and do my best to make amends. I feel His arms around me, pulling me into Him and His gentle words: “I forgive you. Do better next time!”

And, about that wanting to go back to “This little light, gonna let it shine” – I’m doing that too. I’m not that little kid any more who thinks God is punishing me for something I did wrong. Once upon a time, I really did think that. I didn’t really understand grace until I grew up and rationalized that the free-flowing grace of my Father is what proves Jesus loves me this know! Not just because the Bible tells me so. I know. God has proven His love and grace for me in abundance – far more than I deserve. So I purpose, first thing EVERY SINGLE DAY – to let my little light shine through my blogs and my “can’t keep it to myself” attitude. I know a good thing – er, a good Father – and I must share Him.

Now, I sing “Jesus loves me this I know” with absolute certainty of that love. I notice that He keeps a watchful eye on me and delivers me safe from harm. I recognize the car that almost ran into me, the misstep that I took and didn’t fall down, the sweet embrace of a friend and I know it’s Him loving me through them. We’re big kids and by now we should be fully aware of God’s love. If we really understood His love, we’d understand He’s smiling at us with a gleam in His eyes — the same way I watch my kids and grandkids.

If I see my own with the joy of a mother’s heart, I know He sees me with a joy that surpasses my understanding. I know because the same God who created them, created me. He created you. I want to smile back at God with the confidence of a daughter. A daughter who knows “Jesus loves me. This I know, with absolute certainty!” How about you?