I Want to be God’s Promotional Display
Ever notice how strategically retailers display items in their store to draw us in? It’s all about them using psychology to grab us and encourage us to spend more on items we didn’t even realize we wanted. Even the height of items matters. Lower items for the kiddos to see and beg for that “must have” cereal and the items that are placed in the middle of the ailse that we can’t resist. Or those promotional displays at the ends of aisles. Over time we even start to look at those areas as we pass to see if there is anything we want to buy there.
When we went into the store to pick up just a couple of items, we’re now loaded with a cart-full of items and we think we’re done shopping when we stand in line to pay and we have one more chance to impulsively buy a package of gum or a magazine, or our child begs for the candy bar they see. It’s all a part of that establishment’s strategy to make us buy more.
I entitled my blog today “I Want to be God’s Promotional Display”. Like the strategically placed item in the store – I want to be strategically placed that others can’t resist. As followers of Jesus Christ, you and I are called to live exemplary lives that people around us respect and want to be around. Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16
We are called to be the light of Christ to others. We are called to represent Him well — as we make choices of excellence. We are called to be noticed as others see our good works that bring glory to God. We are called to be His “promotional display”! The choice is ours. We want to live our lives with excellence and goodness that bring glory to our loving Father.
Here we are just a week away from Christmas Day – and opportunities abound for us to be promoters of God — His representatives. We can shine brightly in busy stores and wait patiently in check-out lines. We can use that time with our phones — heads down scrolling through our messages and timeline or talking to someone on it — totally ignoring others while we wait. Or, we can be promotional displays of God as we wait patiently, purposely smiling, noticing those around us — like Jesus did with Zaccheus up in the tree, or the blind man begging. We can encourage a mama with an emotional child. We can offer to let someone go ahead of us who has only one or two items and we have a cart-full. We can spread “Joy to the World” wherever we are. May we be light-bearers and LIGHT-sharers as we make choices for how we will live our lives as promotional displays for the goodness and grace of our Lord Jesus. Then, others will be saying “I want some of that!”