Tag: Matthew 5:14-16

Live as Children of the LIGHT.

My word for today is LIGHT: the brightness that dispels darkness. Christmas LIGHTS are getting scarce now as most of us have taken down the LIGHTS from our homes and businesses, and packed them away for another year. Now, it’s up to us to represent and be THE LIGHT to our family, our neighbors and…

By Donna Wuerch January 5, 2018 Off

And the LIGHT Keeps Shining Brightly

Day 4 of 365 days of my photo inspirations for 2015: Tonight I was taken with the lights on many homes that are still brightly lit and shining in my children’s Texas neighborhood.  While many Christmas lights have been put away for another year, I, and many others will conclude our Christmas season on January…

By Donna Wuerch January 4, 2015 Off