If God is Your Co-Pilot – Swap Seats

If God is Your Co-Pilot – Swap Seats

August 16, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

My husband and I were both pilots, but he was always the pilot-in-charge. We had a Cessna 182 and I was his co-pilot. I would help with navigating and being his extra pair of eyes, ears, and hands. And, it is the same in commercial planes. The co-pilot’s job is important, but he/she never forgets who’s in charge.

I learned to fly because my husband wanted to be sure if something happened to him, I would be able to land the plane. It was a good plan and we loved flying together. When I was learning to fly, it may have appeared that I was the pilot since I was in the pilot’s seat, but not so. My instructor was the pilot and in charge. The difference between a pilot and co-pilot is the pilot calls the shots; the co-pilot is the number two guy (or gal). But then one day, I had flown enough times and accumulated enough hours to be the pilot. Just before my instructor got out of the plane to let me solo, he said: “Okay, today you’re the pilot and I’m your co-pilot.” He let me be in charge and he simply was on stand-by if I needed help.

Some years ago, I noticed that many cars were sporting bumper stickers that read: “God is my co-pilot.” I understood what they were trying to say and it seemed a good quote at the time. Then one day I saw a new bumper sticker that read: “If God is your co-pilot, swap seats.” I loved it! At last, someone got it right!

For many of us, we understand the error of asserting that “God is my co-pilot – meaning, “I drive and God is my helper. We invite God to come along and join in OUR plans. But God is the Pilot NOT the Co-Pilot of our lives. From personal experience, I remember time after time that we put together the plan, made business cards, brochures, signs and got the offices. The problem was, we forgot to bring our CEO in on the grandiose ideas. Sometimes the “good” ideas aren’t the “God” ideas. We usurped our ideas instead of getting His plans and ideas. When He pilots our airplane AND our lives, we can be sure He will position us for the most success at the right time.

My husband was a Type A kind of guy who took initiative, made things happen, got the ball rolling, and accomplished results. I was more laid back and took hold of his coat tail and went along for many rides. Over the many years, we both had to unlearn the “captain of our own destiny” kind of thing. I can’t count the number of times we “captained” ourselves right into some big messes — messes that God rescued us from, only after we finally surrendered our willfulness. We learned many of our lessons the hard way — by making lots of mistakes.

I am so grateful that we learned our lessons so well, that there is no question who is piloting my life today. I was a great co-pilot for my husband. And now, I am a great co-pilot to God. He does such a great job when I take my hands off the controls. Remember Frank Sinatra’s song “I Did It My Way”? That’s ego and self-centeredness talking. I am so over it! Who wants to be a know-it-all, when there’s only one KNOW-IT-ALL? He is Father God. He is the Pilot of our airplane and our lives and when we allow Him to take over, lead and guide – we’ll be singing “I did it God’s way! The BEST way!

“Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in HIS WAYS.” Psalm 128:1