If We Don’t Praise — the Rocks Will
I saw this “rock-band” cartoon and I knew a blog was on its way. Humorous but the truth is these are just rocks, stones and pebbles. No life exists in them, yet they sit amidst the vibrant rhythm of creation. Around them, water dances, fish jump for joy, and birds chirp.
As I look at these rocks, I can almost hear them shout out praises. In Luke 19:40, when the Pharisees wanted Jesus to quiet His disciples, He responded: “I tell you, if these (His disciples) are silent, the very stones will cry out.”
Wow! Even lifeless rocks are ready to join the worship chorus if we falter. And why shouldn’t they? Psalm 150:6 reminds us: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Every living, breathing creation of God — including you and me — are called to be praisers.
Today, I’m answering that call. I praise God for His unwavering goodness and mercy. I praise Him for His peace that steadies me when life gets wobbly. I praise Him for His Son, who is my Savior, my anchor, and my soon-coming King. Can you feel it? That joy bubbling up inside as gratitude overflows? Creation gets it too.
All creation is a symphony of praise! Trees lift their branches like arms reaching to heaven. The wind hums melodies through the leaves. Even the ocean claps its waves in applause.
If nature instinctively praises its Creator, how much more should we? If we’re quiet, the rocks are just waiting to take our place. NO! We won’t be quiet! This is our song to sing!
Nothing is impossible for God, but, for goodness’ sake, let the rocks stay silent as we belt out hallelujahs to our God! Surely God would much rather hear our voices lifted in praise to Him! Not a fan of your own singing voice? That’s okay — God isn’t tuning into your pitch; He’s tuning into your heart.
So today, let’s raise the praise. Whether it’s a shout, a hum, or a joyful noise, let’s declare His greatness. Let’s make sure those rocks stay silent. We are His praisers, so let’s belt out hallelujah choruses and songs of praise because our Father God is so, so good!