I’m a Sap for a Good Love Story
Thursday night we attended a Christmas Open House at the home of dear church friends. How precious they are, and how welcoming they were to many people. As beautiful as their home is – in more Christmas décor than a Christmas store — is this couple, Lester and Barbara, and their story.
He is 91; she is 89. Lester was lonely, so he looked through our church’s directory, saw Barbara’s photo, called her, talked a while, then asked her out for a date. She accepted. Within a few months, they married and are as cute as can be (pictured here). We see them holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes like they were teenagers.
I love hearing love stories. That’s one of my “asks”, not just for table-talk, but I sincerely love hearing how couples met, fell in love, and married. Might I suggest that you give couples you know a real boost by requesting them to tell you their “story”! You’ll see a twinkle in their eyes when they start sharing.
Better than our love stories, is our story when we fell in love with Jesus. I love hearing those stories of amazing grace. Stories where someone had done them wrong. They had been in some bad relationships. They were broken and lonely. But THEN, they had an encounter with Jesus, and they have never been the same.

They heard about Jesus, God’s Son, Who walked on water, calmed the seas, healed the sick and raised the dead. They heard that He died for their sins, was raised from the dead and lives today. They heard this scripture: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Suddenly, they had hope and everything started looking and feeling different. They fell in love with Jesus — He Who doesn’t disappoint or hurt or leave them. He Who is kind and generous and forgiving.
Then they met His family members who were welcoming and warm. The more time they hung out with those folks AND Jesus, the more they saw He’s a friend Who can be talked to about any and everything.
Then they prayed: “Dear Jesus, I believe in You. I give You my life. Please forgive me for all my sins. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. My hope is in you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.”
This could be your Love Story, too! The greatest love story ever told was about God’s Son who left the portals of heaven to become one of us, first, as a little baby, then grow up and set the pattern for loving and serving others, and then to ultimately die for us so that our Love Story lives on forever.
At this time of the year, we hear that Love Story repeatedly. We can respond by asking Him into our hearts. Or we can rekindle this romance as we lean in closer to Him and bow our lives to Him in adoration – like the three wise men did.
We can determine to keep the “flames” of that first love we had for Him burning as brightly as the star that announced His coming over 2,000 years ago. Indeed, it is the “Greatest Love Story Ever Told”!