I’m Claiming My Inheritance
“Inheritance” is the name of my grandchildren’s church youth group. I love that! I’ve thought about my own inheritance. I didn’t come from a wealthy family in terms of financial status and means, but how rich I am in the inheritance I received in the loving, serving and living in God’s grace and peace of my parents. In that sense, I have inherited abundance.
An inheritance is what we get for being part of a family that’s rightfully ours. Let’s pretend that our father is multi-billionaire Bill Gates, and he dies. We’d be very foolish to not take the time to read the will. We wouldn’t receive and enjoy the benefits from what belongs to us as a child of Bill Gates. Even more status with riches beyond measure is becoming a follower of Jesus. At that point, we’re not just a believer — we’re a BELONGER. We become a part of God’s family. Family privileges come along with that decision. We have a spiritual inheritance. Galatians 4:7 says “So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are His child, God has made you also an heir.”
What a shame it would be if we went through our entire lives and we didn’t know what benefits were available to us as children of God! Our loving Father didn’t write a document that He put away in a safety deposit box and someday we’ll find out what the document says about our inheritance. Oh, no! We have already received our inheritance! We can already be enjoying the benefits of peace, joy, hope, love, overcoming faith, and walking in confidence in Whose we are, and best of all — living eternally with Him!
When we read the Bible, we clearly can see God’s LIVING WILL for us. It is all available to us right here – right now! It helps us live out God’s purpose for our lives and to know the inheritance He has provided for us. His Word helps us grow and walk in that inheritance. Thank goodness for knowing we have been chosen, not forsaken; He is for us, not against us. We are who He says we are. Our great King welcomes us, sets us free, and is for us! I am a child of God. Yes I am! And so are you!