I’m So Blessed
This blog has a purpose! It is to help us stop having such stiff upper lips. To get down to the business of living and enjoying life with a merry and thankful heart.
We have the option to live in the doldrums and express our opinions with a cynical attitude about the weather, politics, our aches and pains and the price of gasoline.
Far too often, we allow dark clouds of doom, despair, and agony to invade our presence and our mindset. We think “What is this world coming to?? Rather, than remembering God is the air we breathe and He is in control.
I refuse to side in with the naysayers. I WILL NOT have a short fuse that goes off at the slightest incident. I refuse to be a stinkin’ thinkin’ gal.
I will be the Proverbs 31 woman who in verse 25 says: “She laughs without fear of the future!” SHE LAUGHS! Isn’t that what was meant in Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart does good like a medicine!” Have you taken YOUR medicine today?
When the clouds roll in, do you hide or do you use the clouds to simply cool the day off from the hot, blazing sun? Do we raise hallelujahs in the presence of our enemies? Do we shake off the gloom and despair and replace it with victory shouts?
Sometimes it’s a sacrifice to praise God during times of confusion, disappointment and hardship. But the sacrifice is worth it because praise actually carries the supernatural ability to invade and change our circumstances.
Praise isn’t a formula. It is an authentic, intentional lifting of our eyes to the One Who is above all things. Praise demands a decision to say NO to the consuming influence of our present problems and say a resounding YES to the Word of the Lord.
Praise doesn’t call us to deny our situations. On the contrary, it enables us to stare conflict in the face with boldness. We start counting our blessings instead of measuring the defeats.
Praise is the overflow of a heart set on beholding the character, nature, ways and personality of God. The circumstances of life don’t hold a candle to Who our God truly is. Suddenly we begin to fortify a faith perspective. We begin to see from Heaven’s perspective.
It means that during difficulty, we are assured of the constant presence of the Greater One Who is with us, in us and for us! Let’s turn the grey skies to blue as we: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise!”
Had to add on this great “I’m So Blessed” song by Cain to give you the reasons why we are so blessed!