Improving Our Serve
This photo is one of the world’s most famous paintings. It is a 15th Century mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and His disciples. You can see how aghast they were at Jesus’ announcement that one of them would betray Him.
Today is Holy Thursday when we recall way more than a painting. It is the day before Jesus’ crucifixion when He shared a Passover meal with His disciples. That meal invoked what we know as Holy Communion (Luke 22:19-20) where we hear His words: “As often as you do this, you do it in memory of Me!”
That night, Jesus, the One celebrated as a King just days before, became a Servant when He washed His disciples’ feet as an act of humility and service. “No,” Peter protested, “you will never wash my feet!” Jesus replied, “Unless I wash you, you won’t belong to me.”
Jesus, the greatest of ALL, was servant of ALL, as He washed His disciples’ feet. He, with the towel and basin, is the KING of the universe. The same hands that shaped the earth, the stars, and the moon washed away grime and filth.

He wanted his disciples to know how much He loved them. Jesus knew they were about to betray and deny Him, yet He loved and SERVED them. Such extravagant love – such excessive SERVICE. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
He set an example for us — that we should love and serve one another (John 13:3-17). For 3-1/2 years Jesus poured His life into His disciples who witnessed His many miracles. They saw His tender and merciful acts of kindness and love.
They heard Him say countless times “Do not be afraid.” Still, they still just didn’t “get it”. Only John would be standing off to the side of the cross tomorrow. The rest of them were too afraid to stand with Him. What if we had been there? Would we, too, have cowered in fear?
It gives me pause for who I am today. Am I a devoted follower of Christ….even to the cross to bear witness of Him and His love for me? Am I HIS servant Who serves as He served?
Please, Lord, make me your servant – humble and meek – Lord, let me lift up – those who are weak – And may the prayer of my heart always be – Make me your servant today!
Yes, Lord, I surrender to Your will today. Please wash me, cleanse me, purify me so that I too may be presented as a vessel of honor to You. I know that the purer the vessel the greater is the flow of Your mercy, Your love, Your peace, Your grace.
What an incredible flow of mercy, love, forgiveness, servitude and sacrifice that flowed from Jesus. It continues to flow to us today. Oh Lord, may we be your servants today — to follow, serve and love You, and others, as You served and loved.