It Ain’t No Climb for a Climber
This Nana’s got some game! In many ways, I’m not just a spectator, but I’m in the game! Seems I still have enough tread on these tires — to keep going! I know it is God Who gives me the strength and drive to keep playing!
This brings me to my week in Austin with my highly active family here. I shared about helping 15-year-old Brennan with his school project. Little did I realize that he wasn’t planning on standing in one set location. It was in multiple, precarious locations with downward paths about 300 feet to a creek that runs behind their home. It is not for the faint-of-heart as the steps can be narrow and steep. And, about that creek – uneven huge rocks were where his mom and I (the video crew) were recording. I laughed to myself that no one considered my young age in many awkward, precarious positions. My grandson said, “We just figure you’ll tell us if you can’t do it!” He’s right. I don’t plan to utter “can’t” any time soon. The project was a huge success.

Then there’s my 13-year-old Bryson, the rock wall climber, who wanted me to see Reimer’s Park (over 2,400 acres of wildlife refuge, mountain bike trails, hiking canyon and epic descending and ascending caverns trails, that run alongside the Pedernales River.) I assure you, the primitive and beyond-magnificent, rocky canyons and climbing walls, waterfalls, mammoth trees, and foliage are a sight to behold. That is, IF – you’re not so focused trying to stay upright and not falling, breaking something important. The sheer drop-offs have handhold chains bolted to the cliff help in the most treacherous area. Bryson was beyond patient with me, helping me manage the rough terrain. But, then, AHA! I had an epiphany! All I needed was a walking stick to help me maneuver. Bryson was up to the task to find me one. What confidence a walking stick can bring!

And if that day wasn’t excitement enough, we went again the next day with lunch in our backpack. Maneuvering the canyons and caverns came with more confidence with my walking stick. We enjoyed our PB&J’s on a huge boulder overlooking the river. Bryson dove from the boulders into the beautiful, clear river and swam to his heart’s content. I confess I am proud of myself that I ventured out beyond my comfort zone that resulted in memories that will last a lifetime.

Thank you for letting me document my “games” with my Austin grands. My phone in hand helps me “capture moments”. I don’t want to have regrets about once-in-a-lifetime photo ops! I rarely miss opportunities to take up my grandchildren’s invitations to go somewhere or do something with them. They are my treasures. They hold places in my heart that are reserved just for them. But, also there are places in my heart that are reserved for God’s voice to interrupt anything I’m doing. Not missing out on an opportunity to drop the God-word. Like when we came upon a “drifter” with his guitar and backpack. He said he lives everywhere. I said, “You must love to be here in God’s creation. Do you sense Him here with you?” And his response: “Oh, yes, Mam – that’s why I’m here.” After we bid him a good day, ahead was a slippery, uneven boulder that we needed to traverse. He quickly ran to me, reaching out his hand: “Can I please help you down?” His ever-so-gentle hand was welcomed. I like to think just maybe he was representing Jesus to me – reaching out to me as He does so often.

This life is too short not to be embracing places, people and moments that give us a breath of fresh air in giving and receiving. We are here at this moment of time, for a specific purpose that God gives for only us to fulfill. Let’s be done with just going with the flow, and start living ALL-IN — looking for over-the-top outrageous, once-in-a-lifetime moments. Then tomorrow, we’ll look back and say, “I not only lived with game — I conquered some mountains!”