It May Not Be Easy…But It Will Be Worth It!

September 7, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Nine months of pregnancy – twice – carrying and delivering my two precious babies — wasn’t EASY! Nausea, swollen feet, eye twitching (yes, that was a side effect with both of my two darlings), lack of sleep, overall discomfort, and then the pain of the delivery……no, it wasn’t easy. But I am telling you… WAS sure worth it!

My husband and I built homes, bought homes, leased homes – big ones, little ones, mobile ones and moved to Oklahoma from Texas, from Oklahoma to Canada, from Canada back to Oklahoma (and many moves in those places and with those moves, were what seemed to be daunting tasks of packing and then unpacking. At the time it seemed overwhelming, but eventually once we were all settled into that wonderful home, each time, we said, “It wasn’t easy, but it was sure worth it!”

Young kids that we were when we got married, we had many times of “sibling” rivalry (yes, quite often we were more like siblings than mature adults). We had plenty of opportunities to “throw in the towel” because it seemed there was no way this marriage would last another day. But, our foundation was built on God and His Word, so we pressed in with a never quit attitude and found that “sweet spot” that only God could provide to His kids who wouldn’t quit. After standing strong, unwavering in our commitment, every day our love grew stronger and stronger and sweeter and sweeter until 44 years of “til death do us part” passed by so quickly. Love isn’t always easy, but it is so worth it!”

We worked incessantly on huge projects that required a lot of capital, stealth strategic planning, development, sacrifice of family and personal time, a relentless spirit of “never giving up”, and after countless hours of diligence to our tasks, our dreams became reality, We exclaimed, “It wasn’t easy, but it was sure worth it!”

I spent hours upon hours training to do a Half Marathon. Getting in shape, eating nutritionally, and running all those miles consistently for months, and pressing into yet another mile marker, often made me wonder “What was I thinking, when I said ‘Yes, train me” to my trainer.” No, it wasn’t easy, but when that Half Marathon medal was placed around my neck (4 Half Marathons to date), I proclaimed “It wasn’t easy, but it was sure worth it!”

And, I’m telling you, today, whatever you may be facing…it may not be easy, but if you carry that baby (your dreams and vision) to full term and NEVER EVER consider “aborting”, you will look back one day and say, “It wasn’t easy, but indeed it WAS worth it ALL!” So, keep on keeping on. You, too, will say….I survived… I’m alive…it was so worth it all!”