It’s a Matter of Perspective

 It’s a Matter of Perspective

May 3, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

When my grandchildren, Payton and Alexia, were in Speech and Debate in high school, I judged other students at their regional, state and national competitions. My two grands became excellent debaters and speech presenters. Today, they are both trainers in high levels of business and ministry. Moms and Dads, I can’t begin to encourage you enough to make Speech and Debate a subject your children study in school. It provides them confidence, stage presence, articulation and so many other benefits.

I remember judging a teen’s speech that impressed, inspired, and blessed me. She gave an Illustrative Oratory entitled “Perspective”. An illustrative oratory is one where the speaker can use props and graphics on an easel and boards that illustrate their subject matter and speech.

She gave this illustration about her Great Grandparents. She described her grandpa as a quiet, sedentary, low-key artist. Her grandmother was a busy, overactive, always on-the-go gal. She said, “If you looked at those qualities, you’d simply look at potentially negative flaws. But when you ask her Grandpa about his wife’s qualities, he would say, “She’s a hard worker, understanding and full of life.” And to ask her about her husband’s qualities, she’d say “He’s creative, talented and dedicated.” It’s a matter of perspective.

I still enjoy passing along this letter that was written by a young lady to her parents from college:
Dear Mom & Dad — Sorry I haven’t written sooner. I broke my arm and left leg when I jumped from the second floor of my dormitory when we had the fire. We were lucky. A service station attendant saw the blaze and called the Fire Department. They were there in minutes. I was in the hospital for a few days. Paul, the service station attendant, came to see me every day. And because it was taking so long to get our dormitory livable again, I moved in with him. He has been so nice, and I must admit that I am pregnant. Paul and I plan to get married just as soon as he can get a divorce. I hope things are fine at home. I’m doing fine, and will write more when I get the chance. Love, your daughter, Susie.

P.S. None of the above is true. But I did get a “D” in Math and flunked Chemistry. I just wanted you to receive this news in its “Proper Perspective!”

Sounds to me like perspective has a lot to do with gratitude. The young woman’s story about her grandparents indicated that they were grateful for each other. The story of the college student, I’m sure led to gratitude that their daughter ONLY had an issue with her grades and not all the other issues.

While here in Tulsa, I’ve seen the many alterations that my sis and brother-in-law had to make because of Mom’s constant needs. Yes. Inconvenienced. Yes. Often overwhelming. Yes. Their personal lives are on hold. But they are handling it all with God’s grace and mercy. They find their love for each other has grown and their appreciation for each other and their children and friends has expanded. They’ve gotten a grip and their perspective encourages me. They take each challenging day with new hope and great expectation. Though they are in the throes of unchartered territory each day, they, not only see the present, but they find blessings that can come with it. It is a matter of perspective.

And for me and you, we should all look around at the bigger picture of blessings that encompass our lives: our loved ones and all their quirks, our homes – because we have a place to live no matter how big or small; our cars no matter how old it is; our jobs – that others would give anything to have a job. It really is all about gratitude and PERSPECTIVE.