It’s Potato Salad and Chocolate Cake Time
That sounds like a crazy combination, doesn’t it? But in my day – in the South – if those words are said together, it means that somebody passed away. That’s just what we do. When there’s a funeral, there’s always a dinner that’s provided for the family. Or, the dinner is taken to the home before the funeral. That’s what caring and loving family-to-family is all about. Maybe you haven’t ever experienced that. May I suggest that you move South or you start a tradition now that carries Christ’s love with hands and feet to those around about you.
Today is the third day of Lent. It’s the time when we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. It’s a time of intentional laser focus on Jesus. Often we hear the word “Lent” and we think “lint” — those little fibers that get on our clothes from other fabrics. We use a sticky lint remover tool to get it off. Lent means sort of the same thing — taking the time to “come clean” — to rid ourselves of the funk and junk that has settled in our hearts. It’s remembering the sacrifice of love that causes us to want to have hearts “swept clean” for Christ’s place of residence in us.
During this time people fast and abstain from things that seem to have control over their lives, and it’s also, rather than restraining ourselves, it’s the “get ready, get set and go” time when we give to others…very purposefully. Random acts of kindness, being generous, etc. It’s all about a heart change — from the “It’s all about me” to the “It’s all about YOU, God!”
Lent is a time to remember, to recall, and to renew our love and commitment to God. We spend a lot of time remembering the love God had for us in giving us His one and only SON. We remember the love He demonstrated by coming to this earth, becoming one of us, living a life of servitude. Then He was willing to die, be buried, and rise from the grave to life to draw us to Himself. Lent is about being attracted to Him WHO is attracted to us on a daily basis. What if, rather than it being about what can I do for me — that it’s “What can I do to show Christ’s giving nature and heart to others?.
God is OUR Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness. What if we became “little” Jesuses and we intentionally became the way-maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in their darkness to others. We can. We can offer help with child care, bring someone potato salad and chocolate cake, help a neighbor or a friend by just being with them. Maybe, instead of giving up some food or technology this Lent, we could spend time focusing our thoughts and hearts on Christ and loving, really loving His kids. Maybe this Easter will be a real resurrection to celebrate — the resurrection from our OLD selves to our NEW selves in Him.
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness] will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here am I.” (Isaiah 58)