Just a Little Bit — Goes a Long Way

Just a Little Bit — Goes a Long Way

October 6, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

Ever found yourself looking for love, compassion, or even just a smidge of encouragement in all the wrong places? Like expecting a plant to grow in a desert without a drop of water? We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

But here’s the thing – God didn’t just start it all; He started it all with the sole purpose of blessing us so that we would pass it on. Talk about a divine game of pay-it-forward! You see, we are the conduits of His blessings.

Christ’s words in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you,” lay out this beautiful spiritual law: reciprocity. Now, don’t worry – this isn’t some complicated algebra homework. Yikes! I get the hibby-jibbies when I remember my algebra class in high school. I never understood how algebra could be anything but a headache.

Oops! I went on a rabbit trail! Seriously, that “Give, and it will be given you” is a principle we see every day. You smile at someone, and nine times out of ten, you’ll get a smile right back. If you offer criticism, well… you might get an equally critical “gift” in return.

The point is, our actions create ripples — whether we notice it or not. The law of reciprocity is woven into the very fabric of how God designed the world. Physics agrees – “for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.”

So why not test it out in the best way possible? Let’s be the blessing. Whether we’re at the grocery store, in line at the DMV (pray for patience), or even wrangling unruly kids (or grandkids!) – be the one who radiates God’s goodness.

Genesis 12:2 says it plainly, “I will bless you…so you will be a blessing.” Let’s not keep God’s blessings in our pockets like forgotten pennies. Let’s spend them wildly – on smiles, kind words, and compassion. We just never know how our small act of blessing can come rolling back to us like an unexpected gift from heaven.

God’s system of giving always ensures we’re never left empty-handed. So go ahead, be that blessing today – the returns are better than anything Amazon Prime could deliver!