Just a Little Love Song
Valentine’s Day was yesterday and sweet love songs continue to ring in my ears. Love songs went to a new level when my babies came into my life. I didn’t realize I had the capacity to love so deeply as I did when my first child, my baby boy Ryan was born. I knew I was looking through a mother’s eyes who thought this child was a phenomenon — the most gorgeous baby ever born.
I was so in love with this little one who had done nothing to merit my love…. except to just BE. Oh, how I treasured holding and caressing him. My favorite times were rocking my little guy and singing lullabies to him.
There was nothing to compare to his soft skin and that smell. There was no question — it was heaven’s scent. I had a love for him, and later my precious little girl, and then my six grandchildren who unparalleled any love that I could have ever imagined.
It was love with no expectation of what they could do for me. They owed me nothing. They just WERE — and that was good enough for me. Imagine that love compared to the love of our God.
“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
That scripture brought all those sweet “baby” memories back to me and it gave new meaning on how much God loves us and even rejoices over us with joyful songs.
In that verse, God is singing because He rejoices over His children, delights in them, and feels joy over them. The words of this verse remind us He is with us and delighting in us and loving us so much that He sings melodies of love and rejoices over us.
This delight is simply because we are His. And just as a mama’s voice calms and soothes a child with song, God quiets us with His love and soothes our hearts with His voice.
My husband’s daughter called him a few days ago to ask him to sing and record the scripture verse I John 4:7-8 for his granddaughter. She is in a “Young Life” group and they are learning that scripture. So to help her learn it, he recorded the song. This is what God wants for us in living out His message of love.
“Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone who loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He who loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love. Beloved, let us love one another – first John four seven and eight!” (1 John 4:7,8)
I can picture our Heavenly Father singing and rejoicing over His children (you and me) like that. As parents, we sing over our babies because we love them, not because they deserve it or can do anything for us in return. They bring delight to our hearts because they are ours. And the same goes for our Heavenly Father when it comes to His own.
God’s quiet love and gentle whispers of acceptance and delight are the greatest love song our spiritual ears will ever hear.
Maybe if we find a quiet place to listen….we just might feel His embrace and hear Him singing His love song to us right now!